This book doesn’t dodge tough questions. Instead, it invites teenagers to ask their hardest questions about Christianity and to find surprising answers.
Daily devotions to help you live the abundant life God intends for you to live.
Discover what it means to be a Christian woman by studying the Bible instead of the current culture.
"Act Like Men" is a guide to inspire men to re-engage as the spiritual leaders of their homes, churches, and communities.
Biblical guidance so children can think how to be Christ-centered rather than self-centered.
Understand how adopting children supports evangelism, the heart of Christianity, and the truth of the gospel.
Learn how adoption takes a Christian stand for all children - born and unborn.
Understand the book of Titus' vision for women. Each chapter outlines specific discussion questions for older and younger women.
Scripture based post-adoption support is provided to help you anticipate challenges and give you tools to help you cope once the adoption process is complete.
Faith can be at the center of how we respond to changes when women reach the middle years of life.
Parents learn how to seize the opportunities to deepen communication and learn and grow with their teens.
Parents learn how to seize the opportunities to deepen communication and learn and grow with their teens.
We are reminded of God's redemptive work and what that means to the people of God, our purpose on earth, and how to live in light of that reality.
This author is an experienced caregiver and offers practical help and spiritual insights to those facing the challenges of caregiving. |
A Bible- based parenting book provides key concepts to people who are seeking to be responsible parents in an increasingly child-centered society.
Be transformed by renewing your mind rather than conforming to the world's way of thinking.
"The Bare Bones Bible" provides teens with an overview of every book of the Bible.
Provides gentle guidance for preteen and teenage girls on how to become a godly woman.
A Bible study to support mature Christian women in mentoring younger wives and mothers.
Women of every age cultivate an abiding trust in God and depend wholly on Him in prayer.
Learn how to develop a deeper intimacy with God through prayer.
A Bible study providing practical counsel to women as they simplify their lives and live with confidence.
A source of encouragement for women to learn to experience joy, increase their intensity of devotion, and draw on the Holy Spirit in the midst of life's challenges.
Women are challenged to examine their priorities, position at home, and femininity in order to be a woman in whom God is pleased.
This devotional emphasizes your relationship with God and the joy of abiding in Christ.
This Bible study helps women turn from worldly satisfactions and selfishness to a life of contentment and humility through a rich fellowship with God.
Multiple authors address what it means to be a godly woman through the greatness of God's created order and the part he wants women to play in his grand, redemptive plan.
For parents to read to their child, ages 5-8, this book describes the anatomy of men and women and discusses sex, pregnancy and childbirth from a Christian viewpoint.
These 26 gospel-driven conversations will guide mothers who want to disciple their daughters but don’t know where to start. Written for mothers and daughters between the age of 8 and 14.
This book helps girls develop the skills to manage their home, life and spirit in a biblical manner.
For both married and unmarried men, this book addresses masculinity, leadership and decision-making based on scripture.
"Biblical Womanhood" covers all the major Bible teachings specific to women.
This book provides a call to return to godly womanhood in line with God's redemptive plan.
Equips parents to guide their 6-14 year old children through ten major doctrines in an understandable, chapter-a-day format.
See how the book of Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation.
Helps young boys understand why God is important in everything they do, from interacting with their parents to choosing friends, taking school seriously and being responsible.
Boys 8-12 learn how to think through their options, understand consequences and develop good decision-making skills relative to their parents, friends, and siblings.
Learn how to follow God's job description for dads as given in the Bible.
This book gives the emotional support and practical advice caregivers need to provide good care for their parents, and keep from burning out in the process. |
Marriage is one of the most basic and universal of all human institutions. Learn why it's such a big deal.
This book includes resources to help you care for your aging parents. It includes everything from organizing the care-giving process to selecting an appropriate housing option and untangling legal and financial issues. |
Parents can guide their children ages 3 - 7 to form Christian character.
Dr. Charles Hodges Jr. and a team of contributing physicians, health care professionals, and biblical counselors answer questions and offer solid biblical principles about counseling individuals with medical issues and address a variety of specific problems. |
All relationships are edified with scripture. Gain practical, biblical advice on Christ-centered family living.
"The Christian Mom's Idea Book" provides guidance to mothers who desire to raise Godly children.
A church planter's wife must develop a job description, be a wise helper to her husband, and develop friendships within the church and community.
"College Bound" walks through the process of choosing a college and achieving a successful college experience, all to the glory of God.
Christian parents chronicle their journey from grief and conflict to joyful reconciliation with their daughter Barbara, who declared she did not want to act like a Christian anymore.
"The Complete Husband" delves into the skills, goals, and attitudes a God-honoring husband must develop.
This book offers more than 40 biblical responses to the different roles men and woman have in the church and at home. See why their roles are complementary and not interchangeable.
Look at the books of Judges and Ruth to discover a woman of godly character.
What makes a great dad? Jim George shares simple steps that you can take to become a dad after God's own heart.
Martha Peace, delivers biblical insight on many of the problems women face.
An intensely practical guide for husbands looking to strengthen, save or spice up their marriage.
Carolyn McCulley challenges single women to see their singleness as a gift from God and look at their unique role in the body of Christ.
The once clear boundaries between men and women have become confused and we see its effects on marriages, families and churches.
Your children will either live forever with Jesus or apart from Him. In today's hostile culture, you must have a strategy.
"Disciplines of a Godly Family" covers such topics as establishing a solid family heritage, promoting affection between family members, and encouraging godliness in children.
Sadly, most of us guys lack discipline. The ladies crush us in this area. This is a book that will help you fix that. I have used with many, many men and I’m now recommending it to you. Hughes has written 18 very readable chapters on a range of topics, from relationships to personal worship, character, and ministry. There’s something in every chapter for every man. Whether you’re behind the pulpit or sitting in a pew, this book will benefit each one of you. You can read 10 minutes a night and you’ll be done in a month and have some very practical changes you can make to your lifestyle. Well done, Kent Hughes.
Combining biblical teaching, poignant stories and insightful reflection questions, Barbara Hughes helps us to mature as godly Christian women.
Young men are challenged to be disciplined, godly and sold-out for Jesus in their thought life and actions.
"Divine Design" calls us back to God's original intent for men and women. John MacArthur tackles big issues while exploring the innate differences between men and women.
"Do Hard Things" leads the charge of Christian young people who are rebelling against the low expectations of their culture by choosing to "do hard things" for the glory of God.
In this short, fast-paced, practical guide to productivity, Tim Challies shares what he has learned about getting things done in today's digital world.
The contemporary patterns of hooking up, shacking up, and breaking up do not fulfill God's plan of complementary design between the sexes.
Laced with clarity and humor, Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler expose common myths about God, the Bible, religion and life, showing how Christianity stands up to the test of fact and reason.
Through personal experience and practical application of Scripture, Ginger Hubbard equips and encourages moms to reach past their children's behavior and dive into heart issues.
John Piper makes a passionate plea to the next generation to avoid the dangers of a wasted life, calling us to take risks and make sacrifices that matter for eternity.
In-depth discussions of biblical truths you can apply to your marriage starting today. The Bible is filled with principles on nurturing an intimate and rewarding relationship.
Using fictional, real-life examples and sound biblical advice, "Emotional Purity" challenges teens and parents to keep their heart and mind focused on the Lord.
Discover how God's plan for the new heaven and the new earth is far better than anything we can possibly imagine.
Parents of soon-to-be-teenagers receive biblical wisdom, guidance and application to encourage conversations with your kids.
In "Everyday Talk", John Younts explains how to use ordinary everyday conversations to talk to your kids about God and his world.
Based on Proverbs 31:10, this book is a biblically based blueprint for any woman who wants to be the wife God created her to be.
A companion study guide to reinforce the principles presented in Martha Peace's book "The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective."
The teacher's guide to Martha Peace's book "The Excellent Wife; A Biblical Perspective."
This book provides biblically based instruction for husbands to pursue Christlikeness for God's glory.
The study guide to accompany "Exemplary Husband, The: A Biblical Perspective."
Designed for the whole family, this collection of gospel-centered devotionals helps you teach your children to treasure and rely on Jesus.
"Exploring the Bible" leads kids ages 6-12 through the Bible one day at a time over the course of a year, helping them see the overarching glory of God's Word.
Discover mothers of faith such as Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Jochebed, Hannah, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, Huldah, Mary, the mother of John Mark, and Eunice.
For children ages 11-14, "Facing the Facts" is designed to give kids all the information they need to understand exactly what is happening to their bodies during puberty.
For children ages 11-14, "Facing the Facts" is designed to give kids all the information they need to understand exactly what is happening to their bodies during puberty.
"The Faithful Parent" gives biblically-based practical suggestions to paents, emphasizing that the most important relationship in any family is the vertical relationship between the parents and God.
Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Aylward, Esther Ahn Kim, and Helen Roseveare challenge readers to make a difference for Christ in their families, in the church, and the world.
Learn to practice God-glorifying, Christ-exalting worship through Bible reading, prayer and singing.
Explore seven virtues from Titus 2 that have transformed the lives of women who learned to become a woman who lives for God.
"A Few Good Men" will challenge you to examine the struggles and temptations these ten men faced.
This book provides practical tools to guide a child on the autism spectrum, so he or she can function more fully as the person God created them to be.
Dr. Dunlop combines his medical expertise, firsthand experience with patients, and firm commitment to Scripture to show how with proper physical, emotional, and spiritual preparation, aging and death need not be a fight to the finish but a purposeful resting in the arms of the Savior. |
Follow Caleb's journey through his struggling marriage to his wife Catherine. Reluctantly Caleb is surprised by what he discovers about the meaning of love.
Are you endlessly striving to be good--a good friend, wife, mother, Christian, employee, or ministry leader--only to discover that you have created a performanced-based relationship with God?
This book sheds light on how to become a woman who bears the fruit of the Spirit in her marriage and daily grind of life by exploring the biblical significance of all nine fruits of the Spirit.
How can you pass on strong morals to your children in a world gone awry? John MacArthur shows you how to succeed and have a God-honoring family life.
This is an excellent boxed set to guide parents as they talk to their kids about sex. "The Story of Me," " Before I Was Born," "What's the Big Deal?" and "Facing the Facts" are included.
Elizabeth George shows girls how to tackle subjects like building real friendships, talking with parents, putting Jesus first, handling schoolwork and managing activities.
Explore the joy and freedom that comes from God's unique design and purpose for every mother-daughter relationship.
Girls ages 8-12 are bombarded with conflicting messages about right and wrong and what kind of person they should be.
Learn to walk in the light of God's redeeming truth and grace in a culture where bad has become the new good.
Women are the targets of prejudice, sex trafficking, abuse and even gendercide. It's time for every woman to become courageous, discerning, forgiving and wise.
Learn how to tell our kids about the God who freely adopts rebels and transforms them into serving sons and daughters. Let the gospel of grace transform your parenting.
"Glimpses of Grace" uses personal examples, insightful stories and theological reflections to help us experience the gospel's extraordinary power to transform our ordinary lives.
Work in the home can seem so ordinary. Combat the common misconceptions about the value of housework and see how Christ infuses purpose into every facet of life.
What does it mean to be a girl who follows God and not just the latest popular public figures? Help girls know what it means to be a woman of God in their thoughts and actions.
In 1 Timothy 2:9-15, God gives women a high calling when it comes to attitude, appearance, testimony, design and contribution.
Are you seeking God's plan for your family in a time when the family structure is crumbling? This book addresses real-life questions and concerns of the family.
Puritan preacher Thomas Watson combines rich spirituality, doctrine and wisdom to illustrate the biblical characteristics of a godly man.
Women receive compassionate advice as they face the challenge of being a single mom after the overwhelming reality of separation, divorce, or widowhood.
"The Gospel-Centered Life for Teens" offers the chance to center your life on the gospel. It's the only thing in the universe that actually has the power to define you and give your life meaning.
Keeping the gospel at the forefront of every marriage helps parents fear God and better preach the beauty of the gospel to their children.
"GraceLaced" invites readers to become deeply rooted in the faithful promises of God.
In "Growing Little Women," moms can learn how to teach daughters to follow God when the life around them teaches us to follow nothing.
Many teens are active in church youth programs, only to drop out of church later in life and never return, never experiencing their own relationship with Jesus Christ.
An invitation for every woman who feels she isn't godly enough, isn't loving enough, or isn't doing enough. Draw closer to the Lord with more joy.
Joanna Weaver leads women past their own shortcomings to the God who stands ready, willing and able to make a new woman out of them.
Christian families experience episodes of frustration and anger. Lou Priolo deals with anger's root causes, offering corrective advice from a biblical perspective.
Create a warm and welcoming refuge for your family by learning how to establish a peaceful home.
Kids have always asked questions about heaven and adults have always wanted to give better answers. "Heaven for Kids" passes along biblical truths about heaven.
Jerry B. Jenkins advises couples how to plant preventative hedges around a marriage, giving practical ways to avoid compromising situations.
An in-depth theological look at what it means for women in the church to be made in God's image and a helper in her marriage.
In "The Hidden Art of Homemaking," learn about the many opportunities for artistic expression that can be found in ordinary home life.
If you or someone you love is struggling with sexual sin, stop hiding. Step out of the shadows and into the truth.
"Hints for Parents" is full of practical Insights on parenting. Look at God's calling to us as parents and pursue that calling with our eyes fixed God's promises.
"Hold Fast" looks at a year of close fellowship between father and son and alerts young men to dangers they may face growing up.
What does the Bible say about dating? Nothing…and everything! Look at the biblical view of relationships and cover the topics of attraction, first dates, commitment and elements of a successful relationship.
Are you raising your family with an eternal perspective? "Homeward Bound" explores what makes a Godly home and how to commend the glory of God in the life of a Christian family.
This book is for all women who want to look beyond the superficial and get to know God and themselves better.
Stan and Brenna Jones provide honest and practical suggestions for every parent to talk to their children about God's design for sex and have a healthy dialogue about sexuality.
There are no perfect marriages or perfect spouses. Every good marriage requires effort and hard work. How do you continue to love when you are angry, hurt, scared or just plain irritated?
A child can't be saved merely by "asking Jesus into his heart" This book gives guidance to help parents and their children experience genuine salvation.
“The book that answers all the questions you hoped you’d never have to ask.” This volume tackles practical and touchy subjects from what happens to the body in old age from driving to finding and paying for a nursing home.
Who am I? Who does the Bible tell me I am in Christ? "Identity Theft" covers everything from our identity as children of God to citizens of heaven.
Being a mother brings a unique set of challenges. Christina Fox encourages mothers to prayerfully and thoughtfully examine their own hearts and let God use motherhood as a means of sanctification.
Jen Wilkin helps us explore ten characteristics of who God is. Through Christ, we discover how God's attributes impact how we live.
"Instructing a Child's Heart" is a complimentary manual to "Shepherding a Child's Heart." This book teaches parents the importance of developing and shaping their children's thinking.
Our kids are exposed to the theory of evolution by the media and school systems. Lawrence Richards provides biblical answers to some of the toughest questions kids ask about evolution and our world.
Students have a responsibility to not only admire and respect Jesus but to get deep with their faith and understand what they believe about Him and why.
Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung counsels Christians to settle down, make choices, and do the hard work of seeing those choices through.
"Just Us Girls" helps middle school girls seach the Word of God to find out who they are meant to be, what to do about all the drama, where to find a good friend, and how beautiful they really are.
In "Labor with Hope," Gloria Furman gives biblical insights on pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, birth pains, new life and how all point to eternal realities.
Susan Hunt reveals how Christian women can identify and focus their leadership skills on tasks at church.
Susan Hunt and Barbara Thompson give a defense of biblical womanhood, urging women to follow God's design and how to apply the principles to the different stages of a woman's life.
Elisabeth Elliot tackles tough some issues women face like subordination, singleness, self-discipline, masculinity vs femininity, the right kind of pride, and what makes a marriage work.
In the book of Titus, God provides us with direct instruction on how to achieve the goal for how young men are to walk worthy of Jesus Christ.
In the book of Titus, God provides us with direct instruction on how to achieve the goal for how young women are to walk worthy of Jesus Christ.
"Letters to a Romantic" guides you through this season of dating whether you are struggling with singleness, enduring a breakup, embarking on a new relationship, and making steps toward engagement.
Engagement is a time when you are probably wondering about impartant topics such as sex, in-law relationships, and conflict resolution. From your proposal to your wedding night, see how God's Word provides clarity.
"Lies Women Believe" highlights 45 lies commonly believed by Christian women--lies about God, themselves, priorities, emotions, marriage, parenting and more.
"Lies Young Women Believe" exposes 25 lies most commonly believed by today's teen girls. Learn how to overcome these lies with God's word.
Andrew and Rachel Wilson offer encouragement rooted in God's Word, share the challenges they face, and show us what it means to weep, worship, wait and hope in the Lord.
Christ's grace is more than sufficient for those who struggle with their gender. Learn how this family helps their children as they question gender identity issues.
This devotional will help you know God more by studying His names: Creator, Healer, Protector, Provider and many others.
This book guides you as you try to get over heartache when you have been let go by someone you loved.
Learn how to bring your feelings of love back to life as Ed Wheat answers physical, psychological and stress-related questions of marriage in a biblical context.
Too many of us learn about love and sexuality from sources that distort our perspectives, warp our hearts and damage our relationships.
Marriage is a precious gift from God, established to ultimately reflect Christ and the church. This book addresses the roles in marriage, communication, resolving conflict and enjoying romance.
Elizabeth George explores six powerful Scripture passages that will help you grasp God"s purpose for life and move towards that purpose, trusting the Lord all the way.
This mother of seven offers practical advice on how to persevere in the high but demanding call of motherhood.
Look at the spiritual realities and practical difficulties about caring for aging parents. |
Would you like to have a real and lasting impact on the world around you? Discover God's perfect design for how you can make a difference in all the key areas of your life: work, church, marriage, and children.
Paul Downey uses practical lessons from the struggles and successes of Joshua in this Bible Study for teens. You don't have to wait until you are eighteen to become a godly man.
Learn to take practical steps to love one another more effectively and by using the power of the gospel and the love of Jesus.
By realigning our hopes, expectations, and goals from marriage according to the Bible, we discover the joy and lasting fulfillment that comes from a God-centered marriage.
"Marry Wisely, Marry Well" brings hope to those who are not married - hope that the Lord, through His Word, gives you the wisdom to choose a spouse.
This book cuts through cultural confusion to discover God's mandate for men. Get clear biblical instruction for husbands, fathers, and sons by examining important truths that come from the Word of God.
This 365-day devotional offers instructions on how to have a successful marriage. Tim and Kathy Keller inspire anyone who wants to know God and love each other more deeply.
Analyze the Bible's teaching on the role of women being able to coexist with ambition. "The Measure of Success" is great whether you are married, single, young, old, work inside the home or in the marketplace.
Kids ages 6-12 learn about the life of Christ over a year. Show your kids what Scripture says about Jesus by knowing about his life and teachings.
Men and women are created equal, yet have been given different roles to fill. Examine the biblical viewpoint of gender in a thorough and concise way.
From Abraham, David, Nehemiah, Paul and Timothy you will learn that real men live by faith, pray with boldness, love to worship, lead with courage, treasure God's Word, flee temptation, refuse to compromise and find satisfaction in God.
Friendship is one of God's greatest gifts. Christine Hoover offers a fresh biblical vision of friendship that allows for the messiness of our lives and schedules.
Matt Chandler offers an eternal, counter-intuitive persepective from the Song of Solomon, amidst a culture where the foundations of attaction, love, marriage and sex are rapidly eroding.
Tiheasha Beasley suggests that modesty first starts with the heart. We must face the issues that we are secretly struggling with in order to truly represent Christ in the way that we act, think, feel and dress.
Despite the routine tasks and mundane to-do lists, motherhood is anything but insignificant. Search the Scriptures for God's mission in motherhood.
Modesty matters to God. This book helps teen girls identify the causes and consequences of immodesty, recognize different kinds of legalism and find practical ways to honor God in what they wear.
God has given you a privileged place of influence over your childrens' lives as you guide their hearts.
"More Than A Fisherman" provides guidance for men who desire to mentor others or to be mentored, using Jesus and the twelve disciples as a model..
Find guidance through successful parenting practices, practical advice for running a successful home, and avoiding some of the most common parenting mistakes.
Maggie Combs identifies the main “rules” good moms today often feel pressured to follow according to the culture--doing everything just right.
Understand the wondrous dynamics of committed love. "A marriage is not a joining of two worlds, but an abandoning of two worlds in order that one new one might be formed."
Look at creative, easy ideas for arranging, decorating, and cultivating a welcoming home.
Readings from the book of Psalms, so a busy new mother can be refreshed by the Lord.
In this book, see how women’s spiritual gifts are reflected with a high view of scripture and of women in the church.
Learn about the attributes of God and build faith with God’s truth.
Just read through this with our younger children, and it was such a helpful way to introduce the topic of God’s good design for our bodies. The book is in story-form, with a girl’s story and a boy’s story, both beginning with the child telling mom or dad that a friend showed them some pictures on a phone. This leads to a conversation about the blessing of purity over against the dangers of pornography, all in a biblically-based, age-appropriate way. The author wrote the book for 7-12 year old children, though 10-12 is the sweet spot for this resource. Parents, read this for yourself before reading with your child(ren), so you can know how to use discretion if/as needed. A great parenting resource!
Be inspired to live and date for “more” and find hope, happiness and purpose.
Use dinner table devotions for discussion at the close of the evening meal to draw your family closer to God.
Gain encouragement in your parenting as you pray more with perspective, hope and grace.
Discern the value of parenting formulas, and find encouragement for the only plan to trust: the Gospel.
As a mother of six, this author knows firsthand the insecurities and questions that come with rearing children and she tackles nine myths about parenting.
Promote good behavior through loving correction that will transform your children’s hearts.
Paul David Tripp presents us with a big-picture view of God’s plan for us as parents.
Relevant biblical teaching of how God can purify the passion and desire of young people.
An uplifting book to help pastor's wives find joy in their savior, love their husbands and serve their church.
"Peacemaker, Student Edition" highlights teen conflict-resolution, and teaches how to learn to use biblical principles in times of conflict.
Acquire skills to create a “peacemaking family” through basic conflict-resolution skills from scripture.
Scripture offers help and advice to women who want to achieve peace in all of their relationships.
This book reveals the heart of true theology, enabling women to meet the practical demands of life.
Understand and implement God’s plan for hospitality through real-life illustrations and practical application.
Nielson illustrates the importance and privilege of praying for your adult children. This is the fourth volume containing prayers you can bring before the throne of God on behalf of your children through each stage of their maturation. If you're looking for help in your parenting what better place to start than upward with God.
Nielson illustrates the importance and privilege of praying for your children. This is the second of four volumes containing prayers you can bring before the throne of God on behalf of your children through each stage of their maturation. If you're looking for help in your parenting what better place to start than upward with God.
Nielson illustrates the importance and privilege of praying for your young adult children. This is the third of four volumes containing prayers you can bring before the throne of God on behalf of your children through each stage of their maturation. If you're looking for help in your parenting what better place to start than upward with God.
Parenting... need I say more. Nielson illustrates the importance and privilege of praying for your children. This is the first of four volumes containing prayers you can bring before the throne of God on behalf of your children through each stage of their maturation. This prayer book guides you through a passage of Scripture and then provides sample prayers in areas like love for God's Word, obedience, friendship, generosity, contentment, humility and many more. If you're looking for help in your parenting what better place to start than upward with God.
A guide on how wives can pray for their husband according to Scripture.
This book encourages women to explore prayers from the Bible. Learn the overarching story of redemption that helps us call to Him in truth.
Now that you're engaged, lay the foundation for a lifetime of love and romance. It is an important, lifelong task to build a strong Christian marriage.
This Bible study and marriage counseling resource teaches you about God's expectations for marriage. Be equipped with his solutions for dealing with typical marriage conflicts.
Proverbs are arranged into 70 helpful topical groups for parents.
A book for young people, with 30 daily biblical lessons in the area of sexual purity.
Raise children to embrace sexual purity in dating and marriage by providing an example in the home.
A resource to assist moms in guiding the development of a daughter’s spiritual life.
"Raising a Modern Day Joseph" provides a strategy to form sons and daughters with faith and fortitude.
This book will provide guidance as you steward the gift of parenting and shepherd your sons to be men of God.
Learn about the importance of regular worship in the home. The key components of singing, Scripture, and prayer can be fun and instructive.
This book connects today’s woman with the fulfillment of a relationship with God.
A man must realize that future generations are directly impacted by his daily decisions.
An exploration of tolerated sin with God’s remedy, specifically adapted for teens.
See what the Bible has to say about modern motherhood. The gospel brings hope, freedom and joy in every area of motherhood in everyday life.
Learn about submission and headship in marriage and the church.
Uncover how your marriage can be an opportunity to draw close to God and to each other.
Church members have different gifts and abilities. Discover how to better understand how this can equip church ministry.
Learn how God uses our seasons of waiting to teach us patience and make us more like himself.
Dr. Mast highlights the power of the gospel for those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. He answers common questions about the disease, giving practical suggestions as to how the church can offer help and hope.
You are encouraged to celebrate God's gift of sex for what He made it to be.
Cultivate intimacy and learn about proper marital roles between husband and wife.
Husbands and dads learn the biblical framework as it applies to the role of leadership in the home.
This book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child’s heart into the paths of life.
Five key practices offer help to women who are overwhelmed, miserable, and exhausted when dealing with their busy lifestyles.
Challenge the culture of low-stakes, low-expectations teaching and teach the good news of Jesus Christ and Christianity in every lesson.
Provides the single woman with a refreshing reminder of the sovereignty of God.
The faith of Christian youth is being undermined with theories from humanist educators, not people interested in sharing the truth of God's righteousness and power.
Learn to reach across generational lines and be inspired to experience the blessing of nurturing and godly relationships.
A study for fathers and teenage sons about what it means to be a man.
"Still Going it Alone" is directed to single mom's who are moving into the empty nest years.
Written for kids ages 3 - 5, this book explains the marvelous body God gives us.
Written for families with kids ages 3-5, parents can use this book to explain the marvelous body God gives us.
Gain Biblical insight and practical information on marital roles, communication, finances, sex, child rearing, and family worship.
This book provides a practical and spiritual view of adoption.
There is hope if you’re a Christian married to a nonbeliever.
Written for married couples at any stage, this book helps couples restore warmth and vitality to their marriages.
"Teach them Diligently" shows parents how to relate the Bible to the raising of our children in practical ways.
Read this book to be challenged by the call to teach your child to pray. You will be inspired by the activities and ideas sections.
Parents learn how to navigate and use the technology that is a big part of their child's life.
Teenagers can reject the status quo and low standards our culture sets for us.
This book exhorts couples to keep their marriage covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church.
Young men are warned about the dangers of the world and are given biblical, practical advice for living a godly life.
As a tool for family devotions, "Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing" provides colorul illustrations while revealing Biblical truths for the entire family.
Biblical case studies are used to answer questions about God's view of women.
This devotional helps married couples navigate the storms of life together.
Families learn the shorter catechism through daily scripture readings and discussion.
Frazzled moms can learn what the Bible teaches about motherhood.
Readers will recognize the importance of passing along Christ-centered traditions and a Biblical legacy in Christ to future generations.
"True Beauty" focuses on God's standard for beauty. Look to the truth of God’s Word, where we encounter an entirely different and liberating standard of beauty.
This book offers us a biblical perspective on emotions and teaches us how to honor God with them.
This encouraging book will help you to exchange the temporary glamour of pop culture for the unfading beauty of godliness.
"Tying the Knot Tighter" looks at nineteen areas of marriage, summing up the Bible's teaching and offering a series of questions to help couples take inventory of themselves and their marriage.
This verse by verse exposition of the Song of Solomon shares the wisdom of God's Word in defining and strengthening a biblical marriage. Discover godly advice about how to begin a Christ-centered relationship, what to look for in a future spouse, guidelines for dating and courtship, and handling pre-marital doubts.
Discover how God is working in the midst of the deep distress of losing a spouse.
Families with children ages 8–12 will look at 40 select Scripture readings to uncover the unifying message of God’s Word.
In "Lies Women Believe," deceptions most commonly believed by Christian women are exposed.
This is an 11-week Bible study for mothers. Each week offers four days of study geared specifically to a mother’s concerns.
Twelve principles urge women to examine their hearts, and learn how to use their words for encouragement.
Young men are encouraged to pursue manhood from a biblical perspective.
Transform marriage from romance, shared interests and mutual attraction to changed expectations, radical commitments, and grace.
Ten spiritual leadership qualities parents should look for in a son-in-law.
"What Is Marriage?" identifies and defends the reasons for redefining civil marriage as something other than the conjugal union of husband and wife.
Learn the principles of biblical parenting, including communication, discipline, and encouraging good habits in your children.
"What's the Big Deal?" helps kids find answers to their questions about sex. (For kids ages 8-11).
"What's the Big Deal?" helps kids find answers to their questions about sex. (For families with kids ages 8-11).
Biblical teaching about the similarities and differences between men and women.
A practical guide to help hurting parents deal with the emotional trauma when a child goes astray.
Learn about the power of the gospel to overcome sin and its impact on a marriage.
Education is discipleship, so the goal is to see your children bear fruit, grow in grace, and become more like Christ.
A calendar-sized chart using Scripture to teach, rebuke, correct and train your child in righteousness.
In this practical guide, direction is provided to all parents who struggle with doubt or indecision in their roles as God-ordained disciplinarians.
Practical and spiritual insights on how to pursue God's priorities in every area of your life.
Elizabeth George gives practical help for how you can grow in your faith in this study of the fruit of the Spirit.
Use the Bible to address every women's needs: emotions, depression, habitual struggles, grief, caregiving and marital status.
This is a guide for Christian women who desire to share with other women the comfort, hope and encouragement the Bible has to offer in response to the problems of today.
"Women in the Church" is a guide for Christian women who desire to share with other women the comfort, hope and encouragement the Bible has to offer.
Women are encouraged to lead and train other women to engage the culture to reach women for Christ and involve women in ministry.
"Women of the Word" helps women with a clear and concise plan to use every time they open their Bible.
This book provides many proven tools to help start a women's ministry in your church.
"Word Filled Women's Ministry" helps church leaders think through what a Bible-centered women’s ministry looks like.
This book reminds parents that your relationship with your adult children can only be as deep and meaningful as your relationship with God.
Teenage young men discover God's priorities, including choosing friends, getting along at home, winning battles over temptation, and making choices about the future.
Helps teens know the Bible, discover what it says, and make it the personal guide in everything you do.
Young men can learn about the importance of reading the Bible, what makes the best friendships, how to manage school, and how to stand strong against peer pressure.
This manual contains teaching on the nature of conflict, avoiding conflict, and how to respond biblically to conflict.
Teen young ladies learn how to follow a godly example with confidence, make choices that display Jesus' heart, and cultivate kind attitudes and conduct.
Young women are taught how to learn the Bible and make it their personal guide.
Young women learn how to make decisions that are life-affirming, godly, and wise.
Get biblical insight and practical wisdom in two areas of all family life--communication and conflict resolution.
This book provides a vision of home where God is exalted and families are strengthened by following God's paths of truth and grace.