Our smartphones are a part of our daily lives in unprecedented ways. Apply these practical steps to learn how to use our smartphones wisely as a tool for increased human connection.
By examining the "one another" commands in Scripture, learn a Word-based understanding of what God intends for Christian relationships - showing not only what they look like, but also how to develop them.
John Piper and Wayne Grudem answer 50 questions in defense of biblical manhood and womanhood.
A collection of Tozer's top three publications that inspire the pursuit and worship of God.
Considered the most debated of C.S. Lewis' works, he writes of the importance of universal values such as courage and honor in contemporary society.
Are you a church member who is religious, but lost and lack an assurance of your salvation? If you are grappling with where they stand with the Lord, this is the book to check outl
Learn how the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern Western values, but the very thing that makes sense of them.
A collection of Charles Spurgeon's beloved sermons on the message of salvation.
Biblical prayers in a devotional format, organized by topic. Lokyer shows you what each book of the Bible reveals about prayer and its role in human life and history.
A Puritan's answer to the question "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
Encouragement and practical mentorship from John MacArthur on cultivating prayer.
Pastor James MacDonald uncovers 5 categories of promises in the Bible, delivering biblical hope by pointing you to God's truth.
Harvey offers six diagnostic questions to help prospective pastors process their calling. Using personal and historical stories, Harvey explores biblical and practical principles for determining the pastoral call.
Renowned Bible teachers provide instruction on biblical preaching and teaching.
Study Philippians through Paul's lens of physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual fitness.
Based on John Piper’s podcast "Ask Pastor John", access Piper’s insights on hundreds of topics including Bible reading, dating, social media, mental health, and more.
Using scripture, this book examines doctine assuring our salvation. Assurance of salvation is not reserved for the super-spiritual?
Written down for our encouragement, these are John MacArthur's prayers delivered before his sermons at Grace Community Church.
A.W. Tozer's collection of sermons on the attributes of God, study guide included. Volume 1 of 2 volume series.
A.W. Tozer's collection of sermons on the attributes of God, study guide included. Volume 2 of 2 volume series.
This book encourages us to look at how we worship God. The author states that “our hearts are always captured by something―that’s how God made us. But sin threatens to distract us from the glory of our Creator. All too often, we stand in awe of everything but God.” You will be challenged in how to view our awesome God.
John Piper provides guidance on freedom from sin's pleasures by delighting in God's gospel.
Learn the great benefit of studying this well-known sermon with the help of an esteemed Christian scholar.
This is a study on the beatitudes, organized by phrase, with chapter questions for group or personal study.
Elyse Fitzpatrick answers the question of identity as God's children, with study questions for each chapter.
D.A. Carson's thoughtful assessment of the emerging church movement and its theology.
Apologetic resource answering 100 common questions believers ask.
Alfred Martin explains the tenets of biblical stewardship as a lifestyle and responsibility for believers.
Part of the 9Marks series, Lawrence provides pastors and leaders with practical tools for applying biblical theology in ministry.
Part of the 9Marks series, Roark and Cline set a framework for explaining the principles of biblical theology and guard against false gospels.
Justin Buzzard uses the Bible to answer the question "what sort of story are you in?'
The answer to all of life’s challenges can be found in the infinite depths of our boundless God. This book will help you dig deeper into the life-changing power of knowing Him.
John Piper draws on his childhood experiences of segregation in the American South to reveal Jesus Christ as the source of hope for racial strife by studying Jesus' geneaology in the Bible.
John MacArthur presents 26 characteristics of a true leader through a study of Paul's writings.
Bridges and Bevington present a "bookends" metaphor of Christ's justification and the Holy Spirit's sanctification as a guide for the Christian life.
Mission ministry leaders identify cultural barriers in the church that hinder the reach of the gospel by providing case studies on successful missional churches.
Paul Tripp uses house restoration metaphors to provide practical teaching to live productively.
This book set is edited by Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman and provides introductions for the basic biblical commands regarding the local church. Each of the 16 short, readable books is useful for any pastor or church leader seeking more information on the marks of a healthy church.
An introduction to the concept of businesses imitating God's character, distinguishing the difference between sinful dealings and glorifying God in the business world.
John MacArthur presents 26 characteristics of a true leader through a study of Paul's writings.
A study on meaningful relationships in the church written for group discussion.
This hymnal contains classic and contemporary songs. Many are written in lower keys to help congregations sing more comfortably.
Tim Keller offers insight on adapting church ministry in a post-Christian world.
A study on sanctification with sections on mapping your personal walk. Part 1 of 2-volume series with "Essential Virtues."
Each chapter of a "Character Matters" is a biblical meditation on one aspect of each fruit of the Spirit.
Napier biblically defends cessationism as it relates to signs and revelatory spiritual gifts.
Jonathan Edwards' unabridged exposition of 1 Corinthians 13. Updated and edited by Kyle Strobel.
A study on biblical gratitude, with a 30-day journaling plan, based on Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth's "Revive Our Hearts" radio series.
Apologetic resource on defending Christ and dismantling contemporary views of religious tolerance.
Carson's groundbreaking apologetic analysis of Christ and culture through the lens of biblical theology.
An introduction to the Bible, with tools to read it in context and as a larger story to be shared.
Covers the basics of expository preaching in preparation, organization, and delivery of your message.
Biblical and historical discussion of gospel-centered worship in the church.
A simplification of Wayne Grudem's "Systematic Theology", broken down into 20 basic principles.
Apologetic call for Christians to return to biblical truth in an increasingly non Judeo-Christian culture.
Puritan William Guthrie's single work on Christ-centered living.
Horton identifies non-biblical cultural concepts that have permeated the American church.
Part of the 9Marks series, Leeman explores how the church can reflect God's love.
Part of the 9Marks series, Leeman explores Christ-centered church discipline.
Part of the 9Marks series, Rinne describes the role of elder and provides practical help for elders.
Part of the 9Marks series, Leeman explains the necessity of church membership.
"City on a Hill" provides a vision for the church in post-Christian culture.
A collection of three works by R.C. Sproul covering God's sovereignty, predestination, and man's condition.
Trevin Wax's novel exploring faith in a changing world. (Fiction).
Biblical prophecy applied to our post-2008 economic reality.
Lay a foundation for a solid walk with Christ by learning how to trust and obey His word.
Perspectives on biblical friendship in light of today's social media culture.
C.S. Lewis' definitive publications in one complete set.
Encouragement for Christians to effectively engage with the world.
Our Executive Pastor, Jim Daggs, recommends this book, written long before COVID was "a thing." In the past 16 months, sincere, dedicated followers of Christ found themselves at odds with other sincere, dedicated followers of Christ on a whole host of issues. He highly commends this book, finding it to be both timely and extraordinarily helpful.
R.C. Sproul explains the tradition of Western philosophy and its impact on our culture.
Part of the 9Marks series, Lawrence focuses on the biblical doctrine of conversion as essential to healthy church structure.
Al Mohler is an experienced Christian leader who teaches the heart of leadership which is the transference of convictions. He does not prescribe templates or administrative techniques but explains what it means to be a convictional leader.
What is God doing through the coronavirus? Remember to look to Jesus Christ and the sovereign God who ordains, governs and reigns over all things to accomplish his wise and good purposes for those who trust in him.
Gain biblical insight and practical suggestions to help make corporate worship the gathering of God’s people by his grace, for his glory, for their good, and before a watching world.
Turek dismantles the cultural paradigm of same-sex marriage in this expanded address of the Supreme Court decision on Obergefell v. Hodges.
Learn what Deitrich Bonhoeffer meant when he wrote about the difference between cheap grace and costly grace, and be challenged by his words.
This is an apologetic tool encouraging Christians to take a stance on cultural issues.
Tim Keller offers biblical insight on the false concepts of achieving happiness and success.
Discover the danger of looking for God in all the wrong places by looking at the bizarre world of contemporary revivalism.
Know anyone who says they’re not busy? Me, either. This is a very thoughtful and practical book that will challenge how and why you choose the schedule you choose to keep. The last chapter is titled, "The One Thing You Must Do." Can you guess what that might be? Kevin DeYoung is a very popular speaker and writer in our biblically conservative world. You might try listening to him on YouTube. (I find that it helps me read an author when I’ve heard him speak first.)
The God of the universe loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. What is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss.
An exposition of 1 Corinthians as applied to cross-centered church leadership.
Encouragement for gospel-centered Christian living.
Practical tools to connect biblical principles to the hardships of life.
Edited volume on the necessity of evangelism with contributions from John Piper, David Platt, Matt Chandler, Thabiti Anyabwile, Kevin DeYoung, and D. A. Carson.
Review scripture and look into Greg Harris' personal experience of suffering to see more clearly how we can trust God with our lives.
We try to satisfy the longing for joy with external temporal things. John Piper uses Scripture to turn our hearts towards God and pursue true happiness in Christ.
Look to the Bible as you encounter pain, loss and uncertainty. You will learn how to practically turn, complain, ask and trust in hard times.
Look at the profound spiritual and theological realities of Calvary. This Christ-centered book by Greg Harris is for anyone who desires a better understanding of the glories of the cross.
Deacons are model servants called to meet tangible needs, organize and mobilize acts of service, preserve the unity of the flock, and support the ministry of the elders.
As a sequel to "Gentle and Lowly", Dane Ortlund points believers to Christ, making the case that sanctification does not happen by doing more or becoming better, but by going deeper into the deeper gospel truths.
We are called to be diligent in the defense of our faith. Learn to defend the faith and speak the truth in love.
Mark Dever provides a great resource for pastors, elders and others interested in allowing God's Word to set the trajectory for our churches and to combine theology with congregational life.
An introduction to Christianity and the Christian life rooted in our triune God - Father, Son and Spirit. Understand the person and work of Jesus Christ through the trinity.
It's our chief end as humans to desire God and enjoy Him forever, and what does the Bible say about God's chief end?
Many scholars from the scientific community consider religious beliefs to be dangerous foolishness.
Men and women reflect God's own nature and the perfect equality, diversity and unity of the trinity.
The world focuses only on God being love. His holiness, His sovereignty and His wrath are often rejected. Why is that?
Is God unfair? Is he silent? Is he hidden? Philip Yancey answers these questions with biblical assurance and clarity.
Making disciples is the church's God-given mandate. Devoted disciples help attract people outside the church because of the change others see in their Christ-like lives.
We will never outgrow our need for grace. Jerry Bridges helps you unlock the mystery of what God does in bringing you to maturity in Christ.
If Pastor of Biblical Counseling Jeremy Pray was forced to answer the question, “What’s the best book on sanctification today, one that has impacted the most lives, and has been used most frequently at NorthCreek?", I’d probably put this book at the top of the list. The gospel isn’t just something that saves you; it also sanctifies you. This book profoundly unpacks that truth, and therefore it’s a must-read for every Christian.
Spiritual discernment helps Christians practically apply scriptural principles to develop and define day-to-day spiritual discernment.
Elizabeth Elliot explores the disciplines of body, mind, place, time, possessions, work and feelings.
What does it look like to help others become more like Christ? Mark Dever outlines the who, what, where, when, why and how of discipling.
In a world that will not tolerate the mention of the word sin, the biblical teaching on repentance has inevitably been ignored.
We live in an age of casual Christianity. Many of God's people insist on substituting intuition for truth, feelings for beliefs, and immediate gratification for enduring hope.
Few things in life trouble our hearts and minds like suffering. God brings suffering into our lives for good reasons and provides growth that we would not find otherwise.
Kevin DeYoung examines what evangelical Christianity is within the broad categories of history, theology, and practice.
"Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something" is an inspiring look at how you can pray with greater purpose and power - for your own needs as well as the needs of others.
We see worship leading and theological processing at opposite ends of spectrum. Theology is considered the business of pastors, while worship is the business of musicians.
Understand how economics works directly with religious freedom and how stewardship is at the heart of a healthy economic system.
Very few people have an understanding of the biblical pattern for church leadership. Gene Getz lays the historical and biblical groundwork for the position of elder.
Through careful exegesis, David Peterson unveils the total orientation of worship found in Scripture. He calls for a radical rethinking of the practice of worship, encouraging those responsible for leading congregations.
How could a loving God send people to hell? Will people have a chance after they die to believe in Jesus and go to heaven? Look at this biblical explanation of eternal destiny.
Despite our obsession with the emotive and the experiential, we still face existential problems like anxiety, despair, and purposelessness.
Eschatology is thought to refer only to “last things” doctrines. However, eschatology encompasses the Christian view of time and the future of the world.
Gain a clear overview of more than 100 biblical concepts every Christian should know from R.C. Sproul explanation of Christian doctrine.
In the first chapter of 2 Peter, Peter lists the essential virtues of a Christlike believer. Learn to cultivate these qualities while avoiding worldliness, rebellion, and spiritual apathy.
We all struggle with our jobs and how to stand firm in our faith. What is the purpose of work? How can I use my skills in a vocation that has meaning and purpose? Can I stay true to my values and still advance in my field?
Learn how your prayers can match the sentiments of your needs and issues and lead you into a more intimate relationship with God.
Adults are increasingly skeptical toward Christianity. Josh McDowell provides this book for doubting seekers as well as current believers who need persuasive information to share with friends.
Every Christian can have a close walk with the Lord. Matthew Henry explains how to effectively communicate with God and the people around us.
This study guide helps readers discuss the inspiring movie "The Passion of the Christ."
What makes for good preaching? Pastor David Helm outlines what must be believed and accomplished to become a faithful expositor of God's Word.
Ken Ramey gives you a handbook on biblical listening designed to equip you not only to understand what true, biblical preaching sounds like but also how to receive it.
Matt Redman invites us to worship in spirit and truth in awe of our almighty God. Facedown worship always begins as a posture of the heart.
D. Michael Linsday shows first hand how prominent Americans are bringing their vision of moral leadership into the public square.
In "Famine in the Land", Steven J. Lawson makes a biblically grounded argument for expository preaching like the prophets and apostles did.
Voddie Baucham, black pastor and church planter, exposes the overt Marxist ideology behind the social justice movement, critical race theory, intersectionality, and racism that is ravaging our nation. He also traces the ways this “woke” ideology is impacting the church through distorting the gospel and attempting to conform the church to the image of the world.
"Fear Not" encourages every Christian to look at what happens to believers immediately after death, the resurrection, the final judgement and the eternal state of man.
Sharing, suggesting, storytelling, and preaching to felt needs takes place in modern pulpits while the authoritative, expositional opening of the Word of God is becoming scarcer all the time.
The central issue of Jesus' death is not the cause, but the meaning - God's meaning. Look at 50 reasons from the New Testament to answer questions each of us must face.
"Finally Alive" is a description of what the Bible says it means to be born again and the life that flows from this new birth.
As we prioritize doctrine, it can be placed into four ranks―essential, urgent, important, and unimportant―so that we will be as effective as possible advancing the gospel in our time.
Does becoming a follower of Jesus involves believing certain truths or saying certain words. As a result, churches today are filled with people who believe they are Christians, but aren't.
Many believers accept too much with too little discernment, resulting in great confusion and compromise. False teaching is at every turn, and the temptation to embrace it is great.
God would not have his children characterized by fear and insecurity. He put His Spirit in us so we could be known for our power from Him.
C.S. Lewis examines the four types of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God.
The way out from under debt is not a declaration of bankruptcy but surrender to the Word of God.
Few concepts are more basic or important to a Christian's personal and spiritual well-being than forgiveness.
John Piper reveals how grace is not only God's undeserved gift to us in the past, but also God's power to make good happen for us today, tomorrow, and forever.
In "Gay Girl, Good God," author Jackie Hill Perry shares her testimony, offering practical tools that helped her in the process of being made new in light of His gospel.
Joe Dallas was bothered by this question: "Am I basing my decision to embrace the 'gay and Chrsitian' identity on the belief that this is God's will for my life or on the hope that this is what God might allow?"
John Whitcomb declares that the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is complete and authoritative. Its meaning cannot be altered by the changing theories of man.
The only commentary on the book of Genesis written by a creation scientist. He bases his conviction on his faith and on many years of study of the scientific aspects of the Genesis record.
When you read this book, you will be gripped by Jesus's heart for His own. May this resource encourage you to draw near to your savior and to find rest for your soul.
This book guides "ministers who lead their congregations in worship, musicians who seek a deeper understanding of the spiritual purpose of their work and seminary students who are clarifying their commitment to biblical worship."
The original title of this study was "The Excellency of the Gospel about the Law." The new covenant results in spiritual liberty, likeness to Christ and glory by the Holy Spirit.
Our pictures of heaven range from comical to curious, mystical to fictitious, with bits of biblical truth thrown in. See the wonders of heaven and the truth about angels and eternal life.
"God is the Gospel" is a plea that God himself, as revealed most clearly and fully in Jesus' death and resurrection, can be seen and enjoyed as the final and greatest gift of the gospel.
Most Christians do not have a basic working knowledge of the Bible. How can we understand the story of God - and our part in it - when we're not familiar with it?
Francis Schaeffer analyzes where the clashing ideas about God, science, history and art came from and where they are going.
Most Christians do not have a basic working knowledge of the Bible. D. A. Carson takes readers through scripture to help Chrsitians know what they believe and why they believe it.
Seven biblical expositions from prominent Bible teachers lay out the biblical foundation for missions, based on the apostle Paul's worship in 2 Corinthians.
The Heidelberg Catechism is a commentary on the Apostle's Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer. This deals with man's guilt, God's grace and the gratitude of believers.
An explanation of the prophetic words of Isaiah 53, verse by verse, highlighting important connections to the history of Israel and the New Testament.
John MacArthur asks, "What does it really mean to be saved?" He urges readers to understand that their conversion was more than a mere point in time. It also includes a lifetime of obedience.
It's time to reclaim the core of our beliefs. This volume was created to defend the traditional gospel and strengthen the church.
What did God use to draw a radical, committed unbeliever to himself? He used an invitation to dinner in a modest home, from a humble couple who lived out the gospel daily.
Many churches in America today want to be powerful, relevant, and influential in personal and social transformation. We need a renewed understanding of the Great Commission.
Jerry Bridges says the gospel is the very lifeblood of our walk with God, but it's also the power for our daily progress in holiness.
"A Gospel Primer for Christians" is designed to show you how to preach the gospel to yourself each day.
"The Gospel-Centered Life at Work" invites CEOs, homeschooling parents, doctors, plumbers, and white/blue/ pink collar-workers to sit down and discuss our work as a common call to follow Jesus in all of life.
The gospel is a theological message. But this message also creates human beauty - beautiful relationships in our churches, making the glory of Christ visible in the world today.
"The Great Divorce" is a misleading title for this book. C.S. Lewis meditates on good and evil, and grace and judgment while on a bus bound for Heaven.
Learn how the Old Testament practices tie in with the New Testament discussion of Christ's great work of salvation.
Maurice Roberts provides thought-provoking, spiritually invigorating, practical and biblical reading to show us the God of all grace.
James MacDonald believes that the better we understand God, the better we understand ourselves, and the less likely we are to favor our own will over God's.
"Grow In Grace" explains some biblical principles of spiritual development, and gives a number of case histories to illustrate how God works in our lives to mature us as Christians.
"Growing Your Faith" shows us how to fully accept the truth of His gospel and acknowledge the role of the Holy Spirit in our pursuit of holiness.
Focusing on the Lord and spending time with Him and His people are some of the ways we can draw near to our Savior.
I have been using this handbook daily in my prayer times because it consistently brings to mind a scriptural emphasis that moves me forward in prayer in a way that I wouldn’t have thought of on my own. In that way, it unites me closer with the heart of God from the Word of God.
Take a look at Matthew 18 to learn how to handle relational issues that can harm the church if not dealt with in a Biblical manner.
Christians can be perceived as angry, judgmental people who don't seem to derive any joy from life whatsoever. So why aren't we happy?
"Hard to Believe" takes a clear look at God's call on a Christian's life. John MacArthur brings clarity on recognizing that God is more interested in your holiness than your happiness
The high calling Jesus has on His followers is not always a popular message for today.It is important for those who want to live a life pleasing to the Lord -- not easy but worth it.
"He Is Not Silent" gives useful tools on how to preach a true, biblical message to today's world, without compromise.
A look into God's relationship and faithfulness to His people. This book specifically looks at the areas of metaphysics, morals and epistemology.
A collection of devotionals that express the purpose and power of the cross and the heart of Christ.
Randy Alcorn uses biblical descriptions to answer tough questions about heaven. A thorough book which gives us a clear view of what we can look forward to in heaven.
Ray Comfort is known for his radical evangelism. This book will inspire you to speak boldly about the true gospel with others.
Writings from several evangelical leaders about how to apply biblical truth to ministry and life.
Preaching the gospel to ourselves every day is a helpful tool to display Christian living and obedience.
A timeless classic about how to stay grounded in your faith. "Hinds' Feet on High Places" includes beautiful art work to enhance the reading experience.
Eight men break down the book of Luke and give us a closer look at Jesus and His time here on earth.
Kevin DeYoung provides great insight and gives us tools on how to draw closer to the Lord and pursue holy living.
Only by the blood of Jesus can we be seen as holy in the eyes of God. See how the gospel leads us to live a life of obedience and holy living.
It can be a struggle to define what God’s holiness precisely is. R.C. Sproul wrote this helpful resource to better define this attribute of God, and it ties to our sermon series in Isaiah. |
A closer look at the holiness God requires and Jesus fulfills on our behalf. J.C. Ryle explains the importance of holy living and how we can aim for this lofty goal.
"The Holy Spirit" deals with the name, nature, personality and operations of the Holy Spirit, and defines gospel holiness as different than human morality.
Todd Brenneman takes a look at the problems that can arise from focussing on the evangelistic tool of sentimentality and the emotions of another person.
"The Homosexual Agenda" takes a look at how America is more accepting of homosexuality and how the tolerance for those who disagree with same sex relationships is not.
A Christian psychiatrist argues about where homosexuality stems from and how it has gained acceptance in common thought.
The testimony of Katherine and Jay Wolf after Katherine suffered a brain stem stroke. Their story gives glory to God as they trusted in Christ to help get them through this difficult recovery.
"The Hosplitality Commands" uses Scripture to provide helpful tips on using hospitality and building relationships to build the body of believers.
Donald Whitney gives biblical clarity on how you can be confident of your salvation in Christ Jesus.
Live a biblically obedient life in today's culture by practicing the Christian ethic, accepting God's revelation, and affirming the Bible's morals, values, and meaning.
Find practical guidance and and overcome obstacles to developing an "appetite" for studying God's Word.
Birth, marriage, and death are occasions in which we experience great happiness and deep grief. It is important to understand how to approach them with grace, endurance, and joy.
C.J. Mahaney gives a clear understanding of God's call for His people to be humble and how to destroy the pride that gets in the way.
Fasting is talked about in the Bible but rarely understood. John Piper teaches you disciplines and how to be satisfied by God alone.
If you enjoy the old hymns or the newer songs -- this is the hymnal for you. This hymnal includes many contemporary songs by the Getty's, Sovereign Grace, and other solid sources.
So many things take us away from keeping our primary focus and desire on the Lord. Elyse Fitzpatrick looks at the idols that turn our eyes toward wrong things and teaches us how to refocus on the Lord.
God tells us to pray without ceasing. Remembering who God is and why He wants us to pray helps us build a love for prayer.
Biblically handle conflict between believers using scripture and one-to-one discripleship at church.
A Christian classic book dating back to the 1400s. Use this devotional to enrich and build up your walk with the Lord.
Reflecting on Christ's example of suffering, Rev. Henry Maxwell focuses on the life of Jesus and how we can be imitators of Him.
"The Insanity of God" reflects the lessons and experiences from missionaries Nik and Ruth Ripken. Their story will build your faith and confidence in God, reminding us that He is big enough for all the world.
Helpful tips on how to honor God with your church ministry and care for the congregation.
D.A. Carson gives a clear definition of 'tolerance,' how it is misused today, and the dangers it can bring to one with well intended views.
R.C. Sproul looks at this commonly asked question about God by looking at examples of God's providence in scripture and reminding us to trust Him in all things.
A Bible study that answers a common question by looking at the character and work of God throughout scripture.
A look at the topic of substitutionary atonement throughout the entire Bible. This topic is helpful for understanding how God uses the whole Bible to point us to Christ our Savior.
This book is a simple yet profound read walking through the cost of discipleship from Luke 14:25–25. This deep dive is clarifying and challenging to those who are personally counting the cost of following Christ or those who are discipling others to grow in their walk with Christ.
"The Jesus Answer Book" has 150 of the most popular answers to questions asked about Jesus and the Christian faith.
A look at the life of Christ from the book of Mark, looking into the life of Jesus as a king.
A focus on what the title "Son of God" means and the honor such a title calls for.
John MacArthur takes a closer look at some of the "less popular" traits of Jesus. This study guide reminds you of His majesty and righteousness.
John MacArthur takes a closer look at some of the "less popular" traits of Jesus. These traits will remind you of His majesty and righteousness.
Take a deeper look at how an attitude of joy is a great Christian testimony to the world, as it sees Christ's work in your life personally.
The Bible tells us to "fear God" but that can be a confusing statement. Jerry Bridges explains this call and the joy that comes from obedience to it.
Join in the discussion between a career cop and career pastor as they look at the realities of life together with God's view of life.
A collection of devotions through the lens of a police officer, which focuses on today's culture and issues.
Although we try to make Christianity more palatable and comfortable to the world, don't get caught in a compromise of the true faith.
This is the story of a man who was brought to trial yet refused to defend himself, punished yet was innocent, suffered yet remained in complete control, even when everything seemed most out of control. This is the story at the heart of Easter.
"Knowing God" is a classic work on the attributes of God and how to grow in our relationship with Him
A.W. Tozer's classic work on God's attributes provides a powerful witness to the majesty of God.
An analysis of the influence of the book "The Da Vinci Code" and how today's generations have redefined Christianity's foundations of faith.
A strong leadership community is necessary to combat any church leadership crises. Tripp looks at twelve gospel principles to apply to any church and its leadership team.
A collection of Princeton lectures delivered in 1898 on the application of Calvinism to culture.
Written by missionary and shepherd Phillip Keller, this is a modern parable about God's love.
Follow Kent and Barbara Hughes' journey in ministry as they learned to evaluate their church's success by biblical standards rather than by numbers.
Biblical teaching about bible-based instruction, participation and responsibility in the church.
Part of a 16-volume series, this collection of Bonhoeffer's works covers his experiences in seminary and his views on spirituality.
In this classic book, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, renowned Christian minister, professor, and author of "The Cost of Discipleship" recounts his unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years in Germany.
Compare style to substance with this study on worship in the Bible compared to the practice of worship in the emerging church.
A powerful autobiography on God's sovereignty and healing in the aftermath of a life-changing accident.
A meditation on Psalm 42:11 and the encouragement of salvation in the midst of discouraging times.
A practical guide on how to build a mix of Bible reading and other genres of literature.
If you are unsure of how you should be living your Christian life, this short classic paves a simple path to follow that is faithful to the teachings of Scripture.
This study guide accompanies Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" for individual devotions or small group study.
A combination of "The Cross-Centered Life" and "Christ Our Mediator", this book reminds us of the foundation for our faith in Jesus Christ.
Learn how to change a bad attitude with this inspiring encouragement for Christian inside-out change.
Reading this Puritan's study on the Last Supper and Communion reminds us to appreciate Christ's sacrifice and look at it as a spiritual feast for all believers.
Reflective resource for the Christian experiencing a mid-life crisis.
An encouraging study of God's love and how a Christian can apply it in difficult or unrequited relationships.
Study this challenging exposition of Revelation 2:2-6, which examines this rebuke of Jesus Christ to his church. Includes a 5-lesson study guide.
A study on the concept of Hebrews 11:1 on how to apply your mind and rationale to your Christian walk and witness.
Gain spiritual wisdom and insight from this collection of a Scottish Presbyterian minister's reflections on Christ.
An apologetic stance on Christian rational thought in a postmodern culture.
We may take 1 Corinthians 13 for granted because of its familiarity. Philip Ryken's book gives us academic insight into this passage found in Paul's letter.
Learn how your church can leave a godly legacy in your community.
Tim Keller takes an apologetic stand on the relevance of Christianity in today's culture.
Learn the Bible’s teaching about our identities as male and female, created in the image of God, and know how to apply Scripture to these issues at church, home, and work.
In this book, you will see how the Bible shows us a human Jesus who faced many of the same difficulties and limitations we experience today. |
Francis Schaeffer states that the distinct mark of a Christian is sacrifical love.
John MacArthur provides a format for Biblical church structure, following Biblical leadership principles.
An apologetic resource on biblical discernment and the relationship between story and imagery when applied to film.
Use a biblical lens to see a healthy church structure, where we learn what makes a church strong, healthy and mature.
Part of "Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition" series, this book offers guidance on how Christians can use digital media for the kingdom.
C.S. Lewis' timeless classic on fundamentals and a defense of the Christian faith.
Pastor Matthew Henry offers insight on the structure and discipline of prayer.
A Christian study on how to make a gospel impact and minister effectively to Millennials.
Practical help and advice to Christians who may think there is no vocation for their artistic achievements.
Apply the principles of being a good shepherd to being a good minister of Jesus Christ. Explore the concept of a pastor as a shepherd.
Tim Keller explains the importance of mercy in ministry. Discussion questions for group study are included.
God does miracles every day. C.S. Lewis writes that a Christian accepts and rejoices in miracles as a testimony of his relationship with God.
Successful enterprise is based on hard work, honesty and trust. Learn how a good Christian can also be a good capitalist.
Rethink your perspective on money and possessions by looking at God's provision for our good in this study on the proper Christian view of money.
We may rethink our view of discipleship, as we are made to make disciples, until the whole world knows the gospel of Jesus Christ.
An in-depth study of Jesus' death on the cross. This book looks at the injustice, cruelty, religious and political influences in the sentencing of an innocent man to death.
A Biblical study on the nature and attributes of the Holy Spirit as a member of the Trinity.
Meditate on the incomparable character of Christ by learning about Him as prophet, priest, king, son of man and the lamb on the throne.
Explore a Christian worldview as an intellectual paradigm, learning why it is important in the church today.
Practical help to equip parents on navigating the public school system.
Companion study guide to "The New Testament Deacon," broken into six supplements.
Through this study on the role of deacons as compassionate ministers for the needy, see how your church cannot afford to neglect this important role.
This book builds a Biblical framework for navigating digital technology in this age and looks at how it impacts our Christian faith.
Mark Dever's foundational work on the Nine(9) Marks of a healthy church; part of the 9Marks series.
The attributes of God show us exactly why God is worthy of worship: there is none like Him. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise, and accommodates Himself, exhibiting perfect holiness, mercy, and love as He makes known who He is and how He saves us.
Glimpse at what it means to walk by faith, trust God's promises and rest in God's faithfulness. Enjoy this collection of 35 Bible stories on the subject of trusting God.
John MacArthur provides Biblical answers to questions on evangelism. He covers attitude, preparedness, content and priority in witnessing to others.
This book expands upon the essentials of the Christian faith and next steps after conversion.
Iain Murray reveals the Biblical essentials of historical evangelicalism and how they can be applied today.
Birth is an occasion where we experience great happiness and sometimes grief. It is important to understand how to approach it with grace, endurance, and joy.
Death is an occasion where we experience deep grief. It is important to understand how to approach it with grace, endurance, and joy.
Marriage is an occasion where we experience great happiness and sometimes grief. It is important to understand how to approach it with grace, endurance, and joy.
The purpose of this book is to study what the Bible has to say about the life beyond. Learn the Biblical perspective on death, eternity and the afterlife.
"One New Man" reflects Paul's gospel-centered perspectives on race. Christ's death for our sin is God's only solution to racial hostility and the only provision for racial reconciliation.
Read the complete story of Jesus Christ, from Genesis to Revelation.
A study on God's beauty and on enjoying Him forever, meant to stir us from spiritual apathy to spiritual life and growth.
An in-depth sequel to "Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert." This book addresses controversial issues for LGBT conversions to Christianity in an autobiographical format.
Be challenged to sacrificial love and service with this encouraging resource on living out our faith.
G.K. Chesterton's companion to "Heretics" is an autobiography focusing on his conversion to Christianity.
2 Peter 1:3 "Christ's divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness." Learn how to not misplace your spiritual resources, and what it means to be complete in Christ.
This book unpacks the mystery of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as the authors unpack the nature of the Trinity.
This is an edited volume of three of John Owen's unabridged works: "Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers," "Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It," and "The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency of Indwelling Sin."
As Jesus told parables so His people would understand His message about the kingdom of God, this book unpacks the parables of Jesus during His ministry.
An overview of Jesus' arrest and death, in response to the film "The Passion of the Christ."
The son of John Piper, Barnabas Piper, addresses the unique challenges of being the pastor's kid and provides practical help for these families
John Piper expands on God's glory being not only our joy but also our mind's certainty.
Learn the five basic beliefs on Christian worship that have developed over the course of church history, and see which of them are most faithful to Scripture.
This classic work by John Bunyan is a fictional allegory following Pilgrim's journey of faith.
We don't like to read about the topic of backsliding believers-and, to a lesser extent, apostasy. This book provides a serious, hopeful, and wise view by theologians of the past.
Considering nine biblical terms for the church―such as beloved, brothers and sisters, saints, and gospel partners―this book equips us to love and serve one another.
John Piper, known for his definition of Christian hedonism, explores what brings God pleasure and how He delights in Himself.
Learn how church leadership is built around a team of elders working together, each bringing his own unique skills and gifts to the cause of shepherding the flock God entrusted to them, similar to the New Testament church.
Wayne Grudem addresses common mis-interpretations of Christian politics and brings readers to the Bible as essential to speak in today's political landscape.
Edited volume on Christian speech, collected from the Desiring God 2008 national conference.
An analysis of the evangelical church's adoption of progressive secular principles. Edited work with contributions by Chuck Colson, J.I. Packer, R.C. Sproul, and Alister McGrath.
"The Practice of Godliness" is a sequel to Jerry Bridges' "The Pursuit of Holiness." This is a resource for building Godly character in your sanctification.
This compilation of 17th century monk's writings on the presence of God focuses on the the relationship with God as more important than service done in His name.
After listening to Jeremy’s Thanksgiving Eve service message about thanksgiving, this book came to mind as a great read for those wanting to grow in their understanding and application of thankfulness to God in various areas of life. Crabtree provides a practical way to grow in grace this holiday season!
Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. This is a study on the Lord's Prayer.
Part of the 9Marks series, an exploration of corporate prayer for the health of the church.
With our church’s recent emphasis on prayer, this book is a must read. It’s an easy yet profound read on what it means to pray in Jesus’ name. Afterward, it will be nearly impossible for you to say in rote fashion, “In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Whitney re-introduces a method of praying the words of Scripture as a way to focus prayer on God alone.
A call for Christians to pursue a deeper relationship with God through prayer as reflected in the prayers of Paul.
An exploration of the different moods reflected in Biblical prayer that reveal God's character.
R. Kent Hughes' colleagues contribute to this volume on expository preaching.
Compilation of various renowned authors on the priority of preaching the gospel.
A textbook instructing teachers on expositional, gospel-centered preaching and proper hermeneutics.
John MacArthur and various Master's Seminary faculty teach on expositional preaching.
C.S. Lewis offers wisdom in answering the question "If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?"
Tim Keller uses the parable of the prodigal son to reveal new insights into God's character and to examine our approach to the gospel.
John MacArthur uses additional historical context to expand on the parable of the prodigal son.
Bryan Chapell expands on the promises Christians can expect God to fulfill by His grace.
A part of the "Foundation of Our Faith" series, Nicolas Ellen shows how a Holy God can show you, through His Word and by His Spirit, to pursue Him more.
An exploration of past Christians' walks of faith that will encourage the reader to pursue their own walk of faith.
Learn about the Holy Spirit's role in your holiness. Jerry Bridges expands on the roles and responsibilities around Christian sanctification.
As Bible scholars defend the deity of Christ, learn about Jesus' identity through His names, attributes and deeds.
John MacArthur encourages Christians to develop Christlike character traits such as discernment, purity, courage, passion, humility, sincerity, accountability, devotion, integrity and many more.
Look into the opportunity Christians have to rethink priorities as the body of Christ. "Radical Together" challenges the body of Christ to unite around the gospel.
"Radical" challenges you to believe and obey the gospel rather than conform it to the culture. Consider how we manipulate our faith to fit our personal preferences.
A personal testimony about how God can use anything, even atheism, to bring someone back to Christ.
Originally published in 1650, this Puritan work examines contentment. The topics discussed are still applicable to us today.
Hermeneutics, Exegesis, and Diagramming are big words that may make reading and understanding the Bible intimidating to you. At a church like NorthCreek, that teaches in an expositional style, you may feel like understanding your Bible is only for the experts. This brief work is filled with down to earth helps and contains an easy-to-use method of Bible interpretation that requires no seminary training. If you are faithful to read the Bible in the way this simple work prescribes, you will have found a way to feed yourself for a lifetime. It will change the way you view and read your Bible.
John Piper shows us how we can behold the glory of God simply by reading His Word. Rely on the Holy Spririt and apply skills and habits found with faithful Bible reading.
Strengthen your defense of your Christian faith and stand firm in the Word of God. This book offers over 60 Biblically based defenses for challenging faith areas.
An explanation as to how belief in God is both rational and reasonable, Tim Keller addresses doubts we have about religion. A solid platform to stand on in this age of skepticism.
John MacArthur calls out today's churches regarding the necessity of Biblical and doctrinal truth. Very applicable to our times when society as a whole can be hostile to anyone declaring moral absolutes.
"Redeeming Money" shows us how to close the gap between our theology and common money struggles. We ought to interact with our money in a way that honors God.
A systemic explanation of redemption. Look at its relationship to our justification, sanctification, and glorification.
Rediscover Church is a timely read that addresses the common misconceptions about the church and attempts to help Christians think more clearly about what a church is and does. This book will undoubtedly serve as a helpful reminder that we don’t get the church we want, but something far better—a long-term community of God’s people who grow one another and who show the gospel to the world. A Christian would be hard-pressed not to walk away from this book with a greater appreciation of the beauty of their local church and convinced that they need it—just as much as it needs them!
John MacAruthur and faculty from the Master's Seminary create a definitive statement from the Scriptures on how to provide expository preaching.
This book provides a narrative of the Protestant Reformation. Presented in a casual way, it provides solid grounding in this foundational part of Christian history.
A summary of the 16th century Reformation, learn about the triumphs of the gospel in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Scotland and England.
"The Reformed Pastor" will challenge you to evaluate your devotion to Christ and devotion to your ministry.
A Biblical and scientific defense for the straightforward view of the creation in Genesis.
Read evolutionists in their own words and find straightforward answers from science and the Bible. You will be prepared to discuss evolution and respond Biblically and scientifically to this topic.
This book addresses the topic of fear. Is fear a good or bad thing? What does it mean to fear the Lord? Reeves shows that fearing the Lord is not a negative but a delight in the wonder of our Creator and Redeemer.
Learn how relationships are redeemed and restored through wisdom only the gospel can provide.
Students of American religious history will learn from this key leader of the First Great Awakening in Jonathan Edwards' "The Religious Affections."
Stand firm in the Christian faith and remain faithful to the end of your life. This book challenges pastors to emulate Paul's perseverance in ministry.
Develop an ongoing stance for your daily faith walk with Christ and actively live out your attitude of repentance.
Ambition can be driven by sinful pride and misplaced priorities, or it can be a useful part of our pursuit and service of God!
In a similar vein as the book "Crazy Busy", which Steve recommended last year, "Reset" is a book I needed more than I thought I did. There is a fine line between high productivity and an unsustainable pace and the author suggests that what is really needed is learning to live a grace-paced life. Written with an emphasis on pastoral burnout, the book supplies practical wisdom to any who believe their priorities might need a reset.
Commit to a life of holiness and examine behavior patterns we may think are "normal", when they may really be a violation of God's law.
This book provides a detailed defense of Christ's resurrection, using the acronmy FEAT: fatal torment, empty tomb, appearances and transformation.
Learn how to discern Biblical perspectives and worldviews when faced with the influence of secular thinking. Use the topical reference guide of Bible verses to address specific concerns.
Seek and find God in this straightforward and sensible explaination of the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Do we seek cozy Christianity instead of a rich and full life, carrying out the tasks Jesus has for us to do? "Risk is Right" challenges us to risk it all rather than play it safe in faith.
Lessons learned from interviews of church leaders on handling truth and error in the church. See how being against heresy is not enough.
Look at Christ's generous grace towards sinners, as Nancy Guthrie looks at the people who lived around and worked with Jesus.
A helpful tool to show Christ-followers how to thoughtfully engage in a conversation regarding same-sex marriage.
Until this essential question can be answered, we won’t be able to make sense of Christ’s sacrifice or explain it to others. |
"Saved Without a Doubt" examines the true nature of salvation and encourages readers to rest in Christ's grace.
C.S. Lewis writes this classic satire regarding humanity and temptation.
Originally written as a part of a symposium, this book features R.C. Sproul commenting on the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy.
Look at Old Testament texts and see how to find Christ and preach the gospel from the Old Testament.
Advertising in media tells us we are incomplete and discontent without their product. True contentment is learned, and can only be found in knowing God.
John Piper provides a portrait of Jesus for us from God's Word. See Jesus for who He truly is and enjoy Him above all else.
It is important to know why we serve, not just how we serve, in the church. If you are heading toward service burnout, let "Serving without Sinking" show you how identity in Christ changes your outlook.
As evangelical Christianity becomes more worldly, we can lose our identity as a people set apart to reach the world. Answer the biblical call to holiness.
A short theological and devotional book focused on Jesus’s last words. A classic little book well worth the read!
A short theological and devotional book focused on Jesus’s last words. A classic little book well worth the read!
Study Psalm 27 and see the mercy of God in times of trouble and difficulty. These 52 meditations help us worship God no matter our circumstance.
"The Shepherd Leader" looks at the ministry of a shepherd: knowing, feeding,, leading, and protecting. Learn how leaders in the church can shepherd the congregation.
From Psalm 23, see how the Shepherd lovingly guides, carries, and protects us. His goodness and mercy are illustrated in this real life story of a shepherd tending a flock of sheep.
Use this handbook on pastoral ministry to gain perspective on life, counseling, and leadership. This book includes an orientation and practical guide for church elders.
Look at how the pastor-leader image is present in the Bible, from Moses to David. Pastors are still called to be a shepherd to lead a church congregation today.
Considered an introduction to the Christian faith and its Biblical basis, the Westminster Shorter Catechism is useful to Christians at any point of their faith walk.
Consider 13 scientists and theologians committed to the authority of Scripture who practice careful exegesis to offer perspective to Christians on the issue of evolution.
Sam Storms bridges the gap between Edwards's writing style and modern style for contemporary readers of Edwards's "Religious Affections" in this book, "Signs of the Spirit."
Look at the personality, works and deity of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads and empowers every believer, as explained in "The Silent Shepherd".
John MacArthur shows us from scripture Christ's character, glory and love for His followers. "A Simple Christianity" helps believers better understand their salvation and their Savior.
Martin Luther spoke to his barber about how to pray, and it is recorded here. Look at the Lord's Prayer in a God-glorifying way.
Although life on earth was less hectic in Jesus' time, He faced challenges and trials we never will.
Equip your home and church and inspire them to praise the Lord by singing. Understand why we sing and how to view joyfully praising His name through song.
These three words from the book of Ephesians direct our position in Christ, our life in the world and our attitude toward our enemy.
Exposition from the Bible corresponding to the Heidelberg Catechism.
"We have been bought with a price. We belong to Christ. We are His own possession." How a cover-up of a word in a Bible translation can change the way we live out our faith.
A group of mainstream evangelicals has taken up the cause of the New Left, whether they know it or not. This book helps you understand why so many evangelicals have recently supported left-leaning political causes.
Examine the biblical pattern for spiritual growth and look at models of spiritual maturity. See how to obtain a vital sense of God's presence rather than feeling His absence.
Part of the 9Marks series, Bobby Jamieson explains how sound doctrine matters in living and in the life of the church.
John Piper shows us God's design in sin. See how this is good news for the world in "Spectacular Sins."
Puritan leader John Owen calls the church back to divine certainty by the gracious and powerful work of the Holy Spirit.
Walk in the shoes of a cop in real time. As Jim shows us the personal and spiritual battles waging when fighting crime, look at the truths revealed to him from Scripture.
Grow to be more like Christ in godliness, character and maturity. This book explains the spiritual benefits of discipline in the Christian life.
Learn what the Bible has to say about spiritual gifts. Do all Christians have them? Have the miraculous gifts ceased?
Leadership in the church is only truly effective when it is done to the glory of God. Look at key leadership principles from Scripture and from men of God such as Moses, Nehemiah and Paul.
We have to remind ourselves daily to put on the full armor of God, and remind ourselves that the battle is the Lord's. Biblical defense is the primary tool against daily spiritual attacks.
Read exhortations from John Piper, John MacArthur, Jerry Bridges, Randy Alcorn and Helen Roseveare as they each persevere in their ministries and trials, and find endurance in the Christian faith.
Be encouraged to stand strong as you face spiritual challenges. "Standing Strong" is a biblically based approach to spiritual warfare.
"A Steadfast Heart" uses Psalm 57 to help believers remember God's presence and comfort in times of trial.
A great witnessing tool and appropriate for teenagers and adults, "Stones and Bones" answers questions regarding creation and evolution.
Read testimonies and interviews from modern day archaeologists to see the latest finds in the lands of the Bible. Recent archaeological finds reinforce facts about Biblical events.
As we see God's story of redemption in the world, see His purpose for everything in this life..
A helpful look at the Charismatic movement. Along the way, the book will clarify spiritual gifts and a Biblical understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
In her times of suffering, Elisabeth Elliot learned her deepest lessons about God. Suffering has the potential to devastate and destroy, or to be the gateway to gratitude and joy.
Suffering encourages us to trust God in the midst of suffering. Avoid the traps and cling to God's promises when trials come.
Learn how to share the truths of Christ's supremacy to a postmodern, searching society in the 21st century.
This is an earnest invitation to sinners to turn to God in order to obtain eternal salvation. Originally published in 1671 by a minister at Taunton in Somersetshire.
As an Oxford scholar, C.S. Lewis became "the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England." God led him to Christ, where Lewis found his lifelong search for joy.
An introduction to the Bible for Christians and non-Christians, addressing the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture.
I’m not sure enough can be said about the importance of guarding our speech. “How great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire.” The book is both theologically-rooted and practically-grounded. If speaking words of life can be a struggle at times (compared to their counterpart, words of death, Proverbs 18:21), I believe you’ll find this resource useful. The gospel truly has the power to transform our talk.
What manner of worship is glorifying to God? R.C. Sproul explores God's design for Biblical worship.
"Telling the Truth" explores successful evangelism in today's postmodern culture. Hear conservative minds think progressively.
A diagnosis of your spiritual health as you look beyond your spiritual activity to assess your spiritual health. Apply the spiritual disciplines of prayer, worship and meditation to deepen your walk with God.
The author addresses difficult passages of Jesus' sayings in the Bible and offers practical advice for following Christ.
Treatise on a Biblical worldview by the Master's University faculty, edited by John MacArthur.
Learn how the heart and mind glorify God together. It's not an either/or, but a both/and activity. "Think" is a study on glorifying God with our mind and heart.
See the hope of the gospel by dispelling the myths of society. Learn what is really true, good and beautiful to expose the false myths the world shows us.
An encouraging message to churches that remain steadfast in sound Biblical doctrines, this book addresses common temptations for conservative churches.
Is there really time get everything done? Learn the source of true rest to help us be more productive. "Time for Everything?: offers time management tips from a Christian perspective.
A commentary on contemporary evangelism's divergence from the Biblical gospel.
"The Tract Primer" is a great resource for parents who want to teach their children sound doctrine as they are teaching them to read.
Discover over 100 common problems facing Christians today. This practical workbook addresses areas of change for Christians using biblical solutions.
Richly theological and consummately practical, Jerry Bridges has long been noted for making deep theological truths very accessible to the average reader and this work is no exception. He touches on such themes as the meaning of (and need for) grace, the concept of dependent responsibility, and the grace of adversity. Necessary for both salvation and sanctification, you’ll be encouraged as you are reminded of the transforming power of the gospel.
This is the Bible study format of "The Treasure Principle," exploring the Biblical mandate of financial stewardship.
Jesus spent more time talking about money than heaven or hell. Understand His teaching on the topic of possessions and explore the Biblical mandate of financial stewardship.
"The Trellis and the Vine" addresses fundamental questions of Christian ministry and the Great Commission.
This book uses Habakkuk to teach us how to not just survive, but find lasting hope through gritty, trembling, wrestling faith in the God who works in our chaotic world.
If you are a Christian struggling with hard questions like "Why is there so much suffering?" or "Don't Christians hate gay people?", this apologetic resource provides clear answers to hard questions.
Biblical fellowship in the New Testament church is "koinonia". See its implications for the church today. A study of fellowship with discussion questions.
Get practical sugestions on how to make a real difference in our friendships. An exploration of Biblcal friendship as we sacrificially love others for God's glory..
Worship pastor Bob Kauflin encourages Christians to be true worshipers of God. Connect what you do on Sunday morning to the rest of your life.
"Part of the Truth About" series, John MacArthur states that true forgiveness can be attained only through Christ. As we understand our need for forgiveness we can really forgive and be forgiven.
We are undeserving of God's grace, yet how much favor God grants to us by lavishing us with His grace.
Revised and updated version of Dr. Lutzer's bestseller on the discussion of same-sex marriage in the church.
John MacArthur explores the deity of Christ and a Christian's commitment to the Lordship of Christ. Look at God's sovereignty, our submission, the characteristics of holy living, and our assurance of salvation.
Does the church need to embrace postmodernism in order to engage with its congregation? Discover ways this age is impacting the church.
In his verse-by-verse exposition of the Bible, John MacArthur is known for his teaching. This is a collection of twelve of his classic sermons.
A summary of Calvin's institutes covering his essential doctrines. Originally written as a statement of faith of the Reformers in Switzerland, it's a small book intended for readers at all levels.
R.C. Sproul's defense of the centrality of the cross in the Christian faith. The cross is the essential doctrine of Christianity, and should be studied by all believers.
Learn about John MacArthur's stance on postmodernism and the emergent church movement.
"United" challenges its readers to better reflect a diverse church body. Our identity is in Christ and not our differences.
A resource on relational apologetics, exploring twelve statements summarizing Christian doctrine. This is a helpful resource for younger Christians.
This book looks at 50 ways churches make first-time visitors feel unwelcome. Jonathan Malm suggests simple changes that can fix these problems.
As a follow-up to "Visual Theology," "A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible" combines graphics and text to present the concepts and principles of scripture.
Part 1 of a 2 part series, Grudem provides a Biblical resource for Christian voters on the topics of economics and foreign policy.
Part 2 of a 2 part series, Grudem provides a Biblical resource for Christian voters on the topic of social issues.
Learn how to stay grounded in your faith and assert biblical truth, and continue to testify for Jesus without facing fear and condemnation.
Packer reflects on his personal experiences of physical weakness and calls us to look to Christ for strength.
Kevin DeYoung call us to humbly approach the Bible's authority on homosexuality. An invaluable resource for Christians and non-Christians.
A study of Jesus' inner circle; Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Peter, James and John provides answers to questions about Jesus' life, crucifixion and resurrection.
Look at the 10 essential Bible prophecies, with references, statistics, charts and timelines which help them make sense. David Jeremiah answers questions regarding prophecy in the Bible.
This is the sequel to Mark Dever's "What is a Healthy Church?," and illustrates the importance of healthy church membership and participation.
Part of the 9Marks series, Mark Dever defines key characteristics of a healthy church.
Ever try sharing the Gospel with a friend, a co-worker, or a family member and get stuck? How do you try to explain all the points of the Gospel (the truth) with others in love? As Jordan Scott tells the junior high group, you can't just know and believe all the facts of the Gospel and be a Christian. A biblical response is required to this question that we all need to consider and know for our own souls and for the sake of sharing the Gospel with others. This small book and easy read by Greg Gilbert called, "What Is the Gospel?" has helped me greatly in being able to articulate the Gospel clearly to others and our response to the Good News.
"What is the Mission of the Church?" clarifies the a church's vision to be grounded in the gospel and how to apply the Great Commision to the congregation.
John Piper explores four demands that Jesus commands in the gospels. Learn about His loving directions for our ultimate good.
In this call to evangelicals to re-discover the doctrines of grace (Scripture alone, Christ alone, grace alone, faith alone and glory to God alone), learn how the church needs to hold on to these doctrines.
A collection of authors call for evangelicals to return to their historical roots in the Reformation.
Speaking from her personal experiences, worship artist Laura Story encourages us to find joy in the light of God's sovereignty.
A study on how to better alleviate poverty and provide the gospel with those in a hard place. "When Helping Hurts" acknowledges the complexities of past attempts to get rid of poverty altogether..
Lean on God's promises and truths when life gets tough. Pastor MacDonald walks through five questions that guide Christians to go to the Lord with life's hardships.
A study of the Lord's Prayer and how to apply its concepts to your prayer life.
As we live in this unique time of a pandemic, look at the coronavirus in light of a Christian worldview to remind us that our hope lies in Jesus Christ.
Jerry Bridges provides Biblical answers to eight common questions regarding Christian identity. We have a victorious, resurrected Savior as this foundation.
Learn how a correct, biblical view of self can transorm us and amplifies our new identity in Christ. Explore Christian identity from God's Word to gain biblical definitions of success and failure.
"Who Really Cares?" challenges current political views on charity and clarifies the church's role in financial giving.
God's Word tells one story about God's sovereignty, glory and grace. Chris Bruno highlights sixteen Bible verses that demonstrate God's plan for redemption.
John MacArthur examines the authority, infallibility, and trustworthiness of the Word of God.
A Biblical study on the inner city and the church's role to effectively use their unique location for gospel impact.
The media culture in which we live does not help us listen to sermons in church. However, we can learn from today's communication modes to effectively communicate God's word.
Love the local church even with the committed, disgruntled, waffling, and disconnected Christians who try to engage with their church.
The Emergent church talks about caring for the poor, loving Jesus and peace for all men. It doesn't come from a basis of truth about Jesus and the authority of Scripture.
Al Mohler unpacks the Ten Commandments and shows us how they inform today's social and political climate.
"Worldliness" is an edited volume on how Christians are to live in the world but not be of it. Contributions by Bob Kauflin, John Piper, and many more.
This collection presents differing approaches to Biblical worship, on a theological and practical level. Contributions by Kent Hughes, Mark Ashton, and Tim Keller.
"Worship Matters" is a helpful resource on the theology of Biblical worship and the essentials of worship ministry and participation.
John MacArthur calls Christians to everyday worship, expanding a concept of worship beyond Sunday morning music.
A pracitcal call to Christians to resist the battle against their religious liberty. The worst kind of religion in America may be secularism.
Why do church-growth strategies and charismatic worship lead the way for evangelical growth in America? "Young, Restless and Reformed" offers an investigation into the current Calvinist resurgence in young evangelicals.
Learn what Scripture has to say about living a disciplined life . This book offers practical and Biblical help for Christians to have self-control.