Learn the beliefs, practices and history of Jehovah's Witnesses, and better defend your true Christian beliefs.
Learn the truth about the Mormons, who may use Christian terms, but mean something completely different.
Look at the Old and New Testament prophecies relating to Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection.
Discover the solid evidence for trusting the New Testament.
Discover the solid evidence for trusting the Old Testament.
Ed Welch offers help, encouragement and biblical wisdom while defining the physical and spiritual dimensions of ADD.
What does the Bible say about the reality of physical and sexual abuse in our world? Learn how to heal with God's comfort, and help those who have suffered abuse.
Apply biblical wisdom and depend on Jesus to free you to accept God's forgiveness and give you His peace.
Learn the stages of Alzheimer's and about how the course of this disease will run. There is physical and spiritual care for you and your loved one.
This book is comprehensive and brief, with great information to help with anger, anxiety and fear.
Understand what anger is and why we have it. Look at biblical truths to see we are not powerless to overcome anger.
It is possible to humbly bring our doubts and questions to God. We don't have to suffer through it or irrationally vent to God.
Apply biblical truths to explain the heart issues and physical weaknesses that can fuel a child's angry explosions.
The science textbooks used in most public schools teach that Darwins theory of evolution is basically correct and should be accepted without question.
Look at this Christian view of anxiety. Like any other negative emotion, it is a twisted version of something positive from God.
In this booklet, learn how we became morally corrupt and just how deep our corruption is
Dr. Emlet combines his experience as a physician and biblical counselor to explain Asperger Syndrome and provide practical advice about this neurological disorder.
You will better understand God's identity through meditating on His attributes. Charts and graphics make this pamphlet a highly practical resource.
God calls us to submit to authority, even imperfect authority, as Jesus had to.
Help your child to navigate his perception and understanding of the world, as this pamphlet can help you understand how your child thinks and learn the blessings and difficulties of ASD.
God does not want to remove your memories, He wants to transform them into something good. Your memories of past sins can be opportunities for life-changing growth.
"Bible Overview" presents each book of the Bible with its author, type, place, time and why it was written.
This booklet includes 100 of the most comforting and encouraging verses of Scripture to address life's most difficult times.
From Genesis to Revelation, you have key dates, events, leaders and history encompassed in this best-selling "Bible Time Line."
This is an excellent resource for any married couple. It addresses intimate principles for both the husband and the wife.
When someone hurts you, it is as if that person dropped a seed of bitterness onto the soil of your heart. At that point, you can choose to respond in two ways. Either you can reach down and pluck up the seed by forgiving you offender, or you can begin to cultivate the seed by reviewing the hurt over and over again in your mind. Bitterness is the result of dwelling too long on a hurt.” - Lou Priolo, Bitterness: The Root That Pollutes. This mini book is a treasure trove of biblical truths that provide the remedy for bitter hearts. Pastor Jeremy Pray highly recommends it.
Learn about the key leaders of the early church and be inspired to see how God equips, empowers and encourages the church.
Use this tool to see how your pleasures increase and your obsessions decrease as you see our loving God, enjoy His good gifts, and be free from your obsessions.
Our deep, lasting joy is in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Christians aim to live in a way that pleases God. Learn how to see what God wants us to do when it comes to major life decisions.
Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at the Scriptures to see if a true Christian can ever fall away from the faith
After reading this pocket-sized book, you will be able to defend the authority of scripture and its infallibility, and support the need for correct doctrine.
Gain insight from Dr. Sproul, who shows us that the Bible is the Word of God, and is trustworthy, authoritative and without error.
You want to follow God, but what does that mean when it comes to same-sex attraction? Sort through the opinions and gain godly wisdom and compassion from this booklet.
Rico Tice takes you to the cross of Jesus, and invites you to take a new look at God.
God's Word calls us to compassionate care for our parents as they age, and promises that God will help us as we seek to honor and help them. |
Learn if the Bible translation you read, study and memorize is faithful to the original language it was written in. Be able to discern the issues even if you're not a Bible scholar.
The apostle Paul writes that "There is no trial that has overtaken you but such as is common to men." in 1 Corinthians 10:13. God does not change, and as a Christian, you can face whatever He sends your way.
This color glossy pamphlet shows 2,000 years of church history at a single glance. Information is presented century by century to provide easy access to helpful facts.
Formatted as a chart, this pamphlet compares the beliefs of 20 world religions, sects, and cults, laid out side by side. This fold out pamphlet fits inside most Bibles.
You can trust in God's understanding, care and love as you look into the physiological aspects of chronic pain. Chronic pain doesn't stop, yet you can experience God's grace and help in the midst of it.
Gain wisdom from Stuart Scott's brief book focusing on the "put on and put off" counseling approach. An excellent resource as couples work through their communication styles and get real answers from God's word.
Joshua Mack gives practical starting points for treating others as God desires, being compassionate without sacrificing truth.
Your conflict can be an opportunity to grow and deepen your relationship with God and others. Stop the cycle of winning at all costs or avoiding conflict at any cost.
Look at the different ways to respond to rejection by responding to the forgiveness rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Parents receive encouragement as they lean on the Lord for help during this time in your child's live. God will walk with you--and them--as you walk in faith.
Lou Priolo uncovers deception in all its subtle forms, using biblical examples to help the reader recognize his or her own specific style of lying.
Use this side-by-side comparison format to compare 12 Christian denominations and what they believe about God, the Trinity, Jesus, and more.
Learn biblical manageable steps to leave depression. There is hope and help when you are down.
Christians learn the truth about Satan, demons and evil spirits.
Learn how to be genuinely content in Christ as Lou Priolo asks the probing questions and identifies the real issues surrounding discontentment.
Reading this booklet about this tough topic, you'll see that God delights in restoring what is broken and will heal your wounds as you recover from divorce.
You will diwcover the nine common justifications of unbiblical divorce. Reconsider your plans to divorce when reading about the consequences of an unbiblical divorce.
Look at the Bible's view on miracles and see whether healings and other miraculous things happen today.
Learn about the Christian doctrine of providence, the teaching that God is the sovereign Ruler of the universe.
Dr. Sproul shares practical wisdom and helps us understand the purpose, pattern, practice, prohibitions, and power of prayer.
Determine your next steps when you are feeling oppressed in your marriage. You are not alone, even through you may feel isolated and alone.
God opposes oppression and offers help from scripture to help you recognize and uncover abuse. Be equipped to get some real help and hope.
This booklet will serve as a hope-giving resource for healthcare workers, pastors, counselors, and others caring for those with serious illnesses.
Learn how to play sports for God's glory and not your own glory. Get a biblical worldview of your sport as it is a gift from God.
Learn how Jesus fulfilled biblical prophecies in this pamphlet describing Jesus' death and resurrection.
We look to food to provide comfort. Take steps leading away from a full-blown eating disorder.
LGBTQ+ identities and their widespread acceptance have produced a host of questions and quandaries for Christian families.
Jesus faced death for you, and He promises to be with you as you pass through the valley of the shadow of death. Face death honestly.
Answer questions about the origin of Islam, what Muslims believe, and what they teach about Jesus.
Answer questions about the origin of the Watchtower Society, their translation of the Bible, and lack of genuine salvation.
Answer questions about the Masons--is it a religion, what do their symbols represent, and are Masonry and Christianity compatible?
Answer questions about the basic doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, their sacraments and differences between Catholics and Evangelicals.
Answer questions about the origin of Mormonism, if it's a Christian religion and what is the Book of Mormon.
Learn about the major belief systems of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.
You can learn to love your family as you look at them honestly and grow in the understanding of God's love and mercy.
God's Word will conquer your fear. Determine when your fear has become sinful and draw courage from God's sovereignty and His Word.
This booklet covers the five key areas of faith. Being a Christian is not about following rules alone, but a relationship between a loving God and you.
Leslie Vernick shares two stories of moms and daughters who learned how to move beyond the cycle of manipulation and control and love honestly and without fear.
Read this booklet to look at the deep problem and deep solution needed for ongoing guilt. You can receive complete forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
John MacArthur shares six principles that will give you direction and the confidence to live out His plan for you.
Look objectively at Pre-millennialism, Post-millennialism, Historic Premillennialism and Amillennialism in this comparative chart format.
Face what fuels your addiction and see what it reveals about you and your relationship with God.
We all have different ways of dealing with our guilty feelings, but they don't work because guilt is not just a bad feeling, but a real problem between us and God.
"A truly gospel humble person is not a self-hating person or a self-loving person, but a self-forgetful person." See how Tim Keller amplifies Paul's words as he wrote to the church in Corinth.
Gain a biblical perspecitve about pride and humility. As you apply the scripture outlined in this book, use the helpful self-evaluation check list to see where your pride lies.
How do you help and encourage other Christians struggling with same-sex attraction? Use biblical principles to have meaningful conversations.
This time line of Genesis covers Adam to Babel to Abraham to Jacob to Joseph.
When we come to the end of ourselves, we realize our addictions can control us, and we turn in desperation to God, and that brings us to the beginning of faith.
This pamphlet looks at 16 attributes of God, and gives you a more proper understanding of who He is.
God loves us just as we are, but it's more than just that. He loves us enough to change us.
Using 1 Timothy 4:7, "you must discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness," learn how godly living is possible.
Consult this chart to compare the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to learn more about Jesus Christ.
Learn about the human authors who were inspired by God to write the four gospels.
Taken from John MacArthur's book "A Tale of Two Sons," "Grace for You" looks at the dynamics of Jesus' parable of the prodigal son.
When overwhelmed with grief, this book points to Jesus, who promises to walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death.
Look to God's Word to work through grief, something many Christians do not handle well.
The promises and presence of God during this dark time of sadness, anger, guilt and betrayal are real.
Divine guidance may be a popular pursuit in church pop culture. See what the Bible says about God's specific plan for your life.
God is committed to entering into your struggle as you accept the mercy and hope only Jesus gives. God alone can redeem your life.
There never seems to be enough hours in the day to take care of the kids, house, and everything else. God helps you be satisfied with your life and with your parenting.
Understand the biblical principles that can be applied to transform and unify your stepfamily.
It is easy to experience physical and spiritual burnout when taking care of someone. It can be a challenge to be compassionate, thoughtful, loving and sacrifical.
View the gospel as a key to change, as our own attempts to change often fail.
This booklet offers Biblical counsel to guide ordinary people in the world of dating.
Controlling anger is a challenge. Learn how a sinfully angry person can become a person of grace.
Gain practical counsel from the Bible to apply to your marriage when you find it has begun to turn cold.
The pain of betrayal is intense, and your instinct may be to get away fast. Go to God with your hurt and pain and learn from His Word how to best proceed.
Learn how to help your adopted child understand their identity and place in God's world.
"Homosexuality is the hot issue of the day," says Edward T. Welch in this booklet. "It will confront the church throughout this generation, forcing us to listen, study, and respond wisely."
Learn how all marriage problems are common, and can be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit working in accordance with Scripture in the hearts of two believers who desire to glorify God in their lives.
What is cutting and self-injury? Learn about this unique form of addiction and how to use scripture and biblical counsel to heal.
For the single or married Christian who wants to be sexually pure, this booklet explains why sexual temptation is so strong, and how we can conquer it through the power of the Holy Spirit and God's Word.
This booklet gives insight into the problems of excessive TV, video gaming, and internet activity from a biblical perspective, and offers a practical plan of action.
Hope from the Bible is not wishful thinking, but a sure promise of what will be, as God brings His sovereign plan to pass.
Examine the Beatitudes to see how true blessedness is found only by knowing the grace of God in Jesus Christ.
R.C. Sproul explains that by faith alone in Christ alone, sinful men and women can be justified and stand forgiven before a holy God.
This booklet explains the difference between good doubt and bad doubt, and how to deal with it biblically.
See how studying Scripture helps us, by God’s grace, to build a mature Christian conscience.
As we believe in God, see that His promises provide an unshakable foundation for our salvation, faithful living, and hope for the future.
Do you ever wonder why you lose your temper with your children? Learn a better way to relate to your children than with irritation, anger and harsh words.
As you examine the Ten Commandments, you can see that the law doesn’t merely expose our sin; it also reveals the character of a holy and gracious God and shows us how to live lives that are pleasing to Him.
R.C. Sproul explains how the Bible provides clear principles for daily wisdom and ethical dilemmas.
Jesus taught more often on money than He did on love or on heaven and hell combined. Why? It’s because money is one of the chief competitors for our affections.
Joel Beeke explains how husbands and fathers should lead their families as prophets, priests, and kings.
Jay Adams writes "While God has not yet removed trouble from the Christian or the Christian from trouble, he has, by the Word and His Spirit, given believers all that is necessary to handle trouble successfully."
In reading this book, you'll see you need God's love and forgiveness just as much as the difficult people in your life do.
Based on concepts from the Bible, Dr. Wheat's understanding and advice can help troubled couples with their marriage issues.
Even though it may not seem the case, everybody is not "doing It." Look at why the Bible says "no" to premarital sex and get guidance on how to follow its directions.
Dig deep into God's Word by going step-by-step through the basic principles of Bible study. Learn how to use concordances, dictionaries and inductive Bible study.
Others are already talkling to your kids about sex, shaping their understanding, and not in a biblical way. It's time for parents to speak up regarding God's perspective on sex and intimacy.
What is church and why are you there? Look at how your perspective affects your worship, gathering with fellow believers, service and learning from God's Word.
From oral traditions, to the earliest methods of writing and the Dead Sea Scrolls, all manuscripts forming the Bible are validated in "How We Got the Bible."
See what the Bible says about the return of Christ and the end of the world. This small book gives a clear and concise overview of the different interpretations of the end times.
God is not surprised by your hopeless feelings. As you are loved by God, learn how to bring your despair to Him and cry to Him for help.
Chronic fatigue can be brought on by a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Through Christ, God gives you the moment-by-moment strength you need.
It can be hard to see God's sovereign hand in the midst of being victimized by evil or assaulted by disease. God understands more than we may think, as Jesus is the only answer bigger than any question.
The Bible points to married children owing primary loyalty to their spouse. Wayne Mack provides straightforward guidance for both parents and married children.
This booklet provides compassion when walking through some of the struggles dealing with infertility. Learn practical help on how to lean on Christ, connect with your spouse, and engage with others.
This succinct book shows us why many scientists and philosophers today are embracing intelligent design and distancing themselves from a Darwinistic theory of the origin of life.
If people are emotionally manipulated into making a decision for Christ, and proclaim they are saved because they raised a hand or walked down an aisle is a false assumption.
How should a Christian balance the grace of God with the role of laws and commands? Look at what the Bible has to say about this important question.
How do we relate to Christians and non-Christians experiencing same-sex attraction? See what the Bible says about homosexuality.
This book is a good balance of grace and truth. God's goodness and justice are not in opposition to each other.
Eight key differences about God, history and people are explained in this chart used to compare Christian and Muslim beliefs.
Come up with a plan to create clear boundaries for your family when it comes to images coming at us from modern technology.
This timeline outlines the key historical points of Jerusalem, from King David's reign and Roman rule to the Crusades and World Wars I and II, up to the modern era.
Learn how a wise Christian can show discernment and how to judge situations and behaviors according to God's Word.
As we face desires we love or hate, we might ask ourselves, "What's the use of trying to rid my life of this desire? I've tried, but there's just no way out for me." Ed Welch surprises you with his answer.
Stuart Scott describes a repetitive pattern for sin, and how God, through the work of the Holy Spirit and radical faith, can help you conquer sin in your life.
As you live the truth of the gospel and explain it to your kids, how do you know if they are really understanding the good news of the gospel or just trying to please you?
John Piper provides encouragement to those experiencing sickness over a long time. He shares his own struggles to fight for faith and focusing on the promises of God from his own hospital experience.
You may find yourself grieving the loss of work when making the transition to retirement. Steve Brown shows us the opportunity we have that is realistic, and a part of God's bigger plan for your life.
Use God's Word to see how our parents' mistakes can't stop us from knowing God and His inability to fail. God's ultimate mercy transforms your life and your relationships.
Seekers and new believers will especially benefit from this pamphlet. This helpful chart shows how Jesus is different from all other religious leaders.
Paul's key teachings from his letters and vital life and ministry are presented in this concise pamphlet. It includes maps and a timeline of events in Paul's life.
Not only does this booklet give direction about listening to sermons that are good, Christopher Ash tells you how to repond to bad sermons.
Our faith can change the way we deal with fear. Find security in your relationship with the all-sufficient, unchanging God.
If you are the subject of abuse at the hands of your angry spouse, this book, along with the love of God, gives you the courage to take practical steps away from it.
Recognize and identify manipulative behavior when you feel trapped by others pressuring you into doing something their way.
Refocus your view of your spouse so that he or she doesn't become an idol. Any couple receiving biblical counseling for their marriage (or pre-marriage) will benefit from this resource.
You can address some of the common struggles faced in the suffering associated with miscarriage. Jesus will give you the strength to grieve and to move forward.
So why are modern moms so discouraged? Life is full of trials and it's up to moms as to whether they become temptations or victories.
As the heart is the source of human motivation, pleasure, happiness, meaning, comfort, control, freedom, respect, and intimacy point to the complexities involved in uncovering motivation.
Husbands can learn to love their wives well by building a marriage on safety and security. You want to be a good husband, but you also want her to be a good wife.
Why do our phones consume us? As we desire the belonging and entertainment our devices may provide, know that true satisfaction comes from the Lord.
How can you tell the diffence between disease or disobedience? This book offers a biblical approach to help you fight it and find freedom from perfectionism.
Through the "Parables of Jesus," you will learn truths about God's kingdom. Parables provide us with wisdom, comfort and instruction.
Get helpful biblical references to guide your ADHD child. Gospel-centered help can be found in the 30 miinutes it takes you to read this.
Encourage your child to live for God's approval instead of the acceptance of friends. Learn the warning signs of peer pressure.
The temptation to look at pornography has increased as sexual images proliferate movies, television and the internet. Experience God's deliverance from this struggle.
Look at five pertinent questions that will help couples decide if they should commit themselves to each other for life.
We can reduce unnecessary stress, identify true priorities, and begin to get our overbooked schedules under control. Includes a worksheet to complete so you can see where your time is going.
We all face problems and we can learn to master them. Believers should fear problems the least, because we are equipped to handle them the best.
It's not that you're lazy, you are very busy. You wait as long as possible to do the hard stuff. Look at procrastination from God's point of view and start to change.
Enjoy this pamphlet to give you a good overview of the wisdom offered from the book of Proverbs. Key themes include wisdom, money, relationships, speech and character.
The memory of something in your past keeps replaying over and over again in your mind. As you may feel angry, guilty or ashamed, you wonder why you can't get over it. Trust Christ and God's Word to guide you through the process of healing.
Learn how to walk in obedience to Christ in Bible study, prayer, Bible reading, fellowship with other believers and evangelism.
This book gives you a basic understanding of God's purposes for sex, and outlines a biblical framework for your child's sexuality.
Express your experience to God by identifying the abuse and pouring out your heart to Him. It is always terrible, and the healing process leads to small steps of faith and resoration.
Use this guide to the Reformation to learn about reform, revival and importance of the Bible at the time. More than 150 facts acccompany the 95 Theses Martin Luther posted to the door of the church in Wittenberg.
Some people handle the pressures of life by looking for relief in this secret way. Jesus can liberate you from cutting.
It's not too late to renew intimacy in your marriage. The bickering, silent treatment and hurried conversations don't have to rule your relationshiop. Renewing your marriage begins with a renewed relationship with God.
It can be hard to find healing in your marriage when one of you has hurt the other when your marriage is broken by adultery. You can depend only on God to rebuild trust and renew your marriage.
Live out your golden years with a greater purpose than the American dream of retirement. Experience true security and value by living sacrificially for God.
Gain practical advice as you seek to understand your spouse's struggles as you reunite. With God's help, rebuild your familiy and marriage.
“The Bible can be trusted,” says author Dr. Timothy Paul Jones. The good news is that the Bible is reliable.
This insert includes 22 large print color maps. See the position of cities during Bible times and where places are located today.
Get biblical guidelines about inferiority judgements you have, defining what self-image is or is not.
If you are trapped in a cycle of self-injury, look to Jesus for answers and learn the cure is ultimately peace and rest in Him.
If you love yourself more than others and more than God, nothing seems to be off-limits. Destroy this foundation of sin and replace it with the biblical foundation of selfless, godly love.
Many people think that premarital sex is OK. Find out what God says about this issue as his guidelines from scripture are for your help and protection.
Bob Kellemen uses God's Word to explain the damage done by sexual abuse. Start the journey of healing by looking at your situation in light of the story of Amnon and Tamar in the Bible.
Even though sexual temptation is everywhere, God's power is close because the Holy Spirit resides within us to meet our every need.
Understand the emotional and spiritual battles you face as a sexual assault victim. David Powilson uses biblical action steps to gently lead you to a deeper relationship with God, and be healed from your suffering.
How do you decide if your relationship is strong enough for marriage? Answer this series of questions to assess your relationship's strengths and weaknesses.
You don't want to be lonely; you want to be connected to someone. So how do you find the intimacy and relationship you desire?
Robert Jones addresses the many different issues that single parents struggle with. Then he shares biblical truths and practical parenting strategies that will give you hope and direction for each day.
In social situations, you feel anxious and out of place, so are you shy? Confidence in God, not self, is the answer to social anxiety.
You can be reassured that God is at work in our life as you learn to trust someone new and understand the mistakes of your last relationship.
David Powlison invites you to look at Psalm 131 to learn how to quiet your soul. By learning composure through your relationship with Jesus, see how His presence in our lives is the only thing strong enough to overpower stress.
Read these six amazing stories of believers who faced incredible hardship and apply these lessons of faith, strength, and forgiveness to your own life.
During difficult times, we cry out to God and perhaps turn away from Him. See your circumstances from an eternal perspective and experience God's love and goodness.
In this world we will have trouble, Jesus promised that. But he also promised us that He will be with his people in their suffering.
Use this plan to help teens deal with sex realistically. Sex relates to our worship, identity, hearts and our need for grace.
Jay Adams unpacks the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5 and shows us how to use the principle of radical amputation to develop spiritual fruit, putting on holy patterns of living by putting off our sinful ones.
As a repeat offender of the same old sins, look to God for hope and forgiveness. There are different stages of temptation, and at each stage, we can go to Christ in repentance and faith.
It can be difficult to be thankful to God in the midst of our trials. God loves us and wants us to come to Him.
This insert includes 22 large print color maps. See the position of cities during Bible times and where these places are located today.
This fold-out reference tool contains 17 Bible maps showing ancient and modern day cities.
Jesus called twelve ordinary men and turned their weaknesses into strengths, their faults into testimonies, and their doubts into faith. Find out who these men were who Jesus called His disciples.
Life is full of questions, and the vital ones are about God. This booklet analyzes these questions and gives simple, clear, and direct answers.
Jesus was tempted in the same basic ways we are: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. From scripture you can be victorious over these temptations.
Feelings of guilt over sin are common. The only remedy is the the forgiveness that God provides through Jesus Christ.
In order to know who God is, we must learn what He has revealed about Himself in the Bible.
Read how parables worked to clarify Jesus’ message for some—and to conceal it from others.
Understand addictions from a Biblical point of view. Admitting you have a problem really is the first step.
If you have questions about death, you will be assured by this book. Christians may be assurred of their salvation, but may have questions about the day of judgement or if we will have bodies in heaven.
R.C. Sproul introduces us to the sacrament of baptism and explains why well-meaning Christians come to different conclusions about it.
R.C. Sproul looks to Hebrews 11 for a biblical definition of faith. Believing God and living by His Word, we can see how the lives of God's people trusted God when they didn't know the future.
If God decides who will believe in Jesus, doesn’t that destroy free will? Get the answer to this question from the Bible as outlined in this booklet.
Learn how true repentance is not simply a religious ritual or the resolve to do better next time. It’s a spiritual conversion in which we turn from our sin and to God in faith.
When the word church is mentioned, many people think of a building. Others think of a denomination. It's actually so much more.
Learn about the gospel, God’s good news for sinful people like us.
Dr. R.C. Sproul explores the Great Commission by defining key terms such as the gospel, evangelism, missions, and discipleship.
Learn the origin of what we now call the Lord’s Supper and the meaning behind the bread and wine
God ordained the state to protect life and promote justice. Christians must respect and honor their earthly authorities but at the same time remember that God is the highest authority of all.
R.C. Sproul explains the Trinity. While the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is mysterious, it is not contradictory.
From the Bible, learn that the choices we make in life do have many consequences for ourselves and others.
You can learn to see the good that God brings out of suffering and be thankful—maybe not for the suffering itself, but for God and his involvement in your life.
A cancer diagnosis brings uncertainty, physical pain, and emotional and spiritual struggles Learn how the presence and purposes of Christ make a difference.
The confusion of emotions that arise when life falls apart lead us to seemingly unanswered questions. Receive the hope and peace God offers when you trust him for your future.
Whatever the reason, money troubles are serious and stressful. Take practical steps to Implement a plan as God promises to provide for your every need.
Your child's trouble is a God-ordained opportunity for you to pursue a bigger goal than raising a child who behaves well.
When a disaster happens, personal tragedy strikes, or we are perplexed by world events, Christians begin to doubt that God is either truly good, or truly in control. The Bible's answer is found in God's character and His purposes throughout history.
The Bible may not have a cut and dry answer to who completes what task around the house, but God does have things to say about the way you love your spouse and how everyday decisions come out of that.
Dr. R.C. Sproul presents a compelling portrait of Christ as the Son of God as he examines the biblical account of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection.
R.C. Sproul explains who the Holy Spirit is, and examines His work in this world, from giving new life to unbelievers to sanctifying and empowering God’s people.
While we may understand who God is and who Jesus is, we often struggle with where the Holy Spirit fits into the our faith. Learn who He is and how He works in our lives.
What should you look for in a date? Someone who is good looking, fun and shares your interests? Here are some practical ways to assess your friend's relationship readiness.
In the Bible, the church is described as a precious bride, a sparkling jewel, a place of truth for forgiven sinners. How come the world views it as being outdated, boring, irrelevant and filled with backbiting hypocrites?
This short book by Marcus Nodder explains clearly and simply what the Bible, and Jesus himself, says about the cross, and how Christians should understand it today.
David Powlison takes us through Psalm 10, helping us see its message of anguish and refuge. Learn how what others may have meant for evil, God means for good.
Dr.Sproul explains that the church is not merely a building. We need one another to live and worship well.
Look to the resources we have in God's Word and His Holy Spirit to overcome worry and live for Christ.
There is always something to worry about. We can approach it with the next plan--God's plan.
Excerpts from Jerry Bridges' book, "Trusting God" provides help for people going through adversity.
Using the parable of the prodigal son, parents are given possible responses that communicate grace and truth to their child, while positioning them to actively trust God and wait with hope for his intervention.
While the prospect of raising a special needs child can be overwhelming, Jesus Christ makes himself constantly available to the weary and heavy laden.