Ed Welch defines addictions to be primarily a matter of worship. Practical help at the end of each chapter on “As you face your own addiction” and “As you help someone else.”
Edith Schaefer directly confronts the questions of why we face suffering and affliction. She shows us how to trust in God for comfort alone.
Everyone has to deal with anger and stress, but they will destroy you from the inside out if not overcome. Wayne Mack shows practical ways to apply God’s Word for true change.
Anxiety can feel like a daily battle―at times bringing great suffering to both the body and the soul. Whether you experience nagging worry or debilitating panic, God’s Word offers hope and help.
Stress is part of everyone’s daily life. John MacArthur believes that peace is not just possible but commanded in scripture.
Steve Gallagher exposes the roots of sexual addiction, charts out the path to a victorious life and affirms the authority and efficacy of scripture to overcome addictions.
Companion workbook to "At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry" designed for discussion groups and individual study.
Everyone suffers – whether from sickness, disability, depression, or grief. Dave Furman uses his own experiences and insight from the Bible to provide help for those who want to help others.
Bob Kelleman and Kevin Carson bring together writings from over twenty ministry leaders to examine the relationship between counseling and the church.
John and Janie Street offer clear descriptions and careful direction for common issues affecting women. Valuable for those searching for solutions and for those who want to help hurting women.
Heath Lambert analyzes the Biblical Counseling movement’s growth and development. It has changed and improved since the pioneering work of Jay Adams.
Learn how to use the Bible as your main source for counseling.
Steve Gallagher offers straightforward steps toward healing sexual addiction in a biblically sound manner.
Ed Welch helps us view brain disorders through the lens of scripture. He helps the counselor distinguish genuine brain disorders from problems of the heart.
Cancer survivor Jane Hunt shares practical ways to care for someone with a critical illness. Each short chapter is full of specific things to do – and not to do – to be of help.
This book equips counselors, parents, pastors, and other helpers who love children, to trust in the sufficiency of Scripture for counseling.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth digs into God’s word to uncover specific strategies for putting God’s grace and mercy into practice. Learn to forgive others as God has forgiven you.
Hedges and Whitney claim that it is God’s purpose to change us by progressively making us more like Jesus.
This book provides a wonderful blend of theological wisdom and practical expertise, and is written to be accessible to everyone who wishes to extend Christ’s love to others.
A companion volume to "Competent to Counsel, The Christian Counselor's Manual" applies the principles of nouthetic counseling to a wide variety of situations. It is an outstanding reference book for Biblical counselors.
This is a Biblical and understandable resource for learning the correct meanings of psychological and psychiatric terms.
This book presents the church as the primary haven for answers to deep-seated human problems. Readers will learn that God has designed every function of the church to be an integral part of soul care.
Pornography is everywhere. Chester offers spiritual, practical and corporate resources for living porn free. We can be captured by a better vision – that God offers more than pornography does.
In this book, Jay Adams looks at the whole matter of competent ministry and challenges every believer to honor God and please Him in his work.
Adams details how Bible-based discussion allows the Holy Spirit to bring about change in the counselee’s heart, personality, and behavior.
We all struggle with anxiety and despair and know that the Bible calls us to "trust God," but what does that even mean? Steve Mawhorter asks us to consider this newer book on the topic.
Designed for “non-professional” counselors who want to help marriages in the local church, Holmes offers solid biblical theology and methodology to work through nine of the most common topics in marriage counseling.
This book provides careful exegesis of Scripture and helpful case studies to demonstrate how to provide biblical, gospel-centered counseling to broken and hurting people.
Learn five major perspectives about the interface of Christianity and psychology and how they can be applied in a clinical setting.
"Counseling the Hard Cases" uses true stories of real patients to show how God’s Word can bring hope and healing to those who struggle with the most difficult psychiatric diagnoses.
Kellemen mines Martin Luther’s writings and other first-hand accounts to show how Luther’s gospel-centered pastoral care transformed his approach to soul care.
Solid theological foundations for biblical counseling are contrasted with humanistic theories of psychological counseling.
Wayne and Joshua Mack discuss the way to confront unhealthy, sinful fear with the fear of God.
Clear and concise practical instruction in leading a counselee through the stages of biblical counseling. Valuable for veteran and first-time counselors alike.
This book will challenge you to consider God’s hand in the trials (the crook) appointed to us in our lot in life. We can maintain humility, patience, and faith that God will lift us up.
A 45-day devotional series intended for those struggling with addiction. This is filled with scripture designed to give you God’s perspective on your struggle and transformation.
"Crossroads" is designed as a small group study for those enslaved to addiction. Welch helps leaders through the process of loving, connecting with and speaking the truth to a small group of addicts.
Addiction is voluntary slavery. God’s word provides hope and a way out. These ten lessons are designed as a small group study for those struggling with addiction.
See how the truth of the culture surrounding our pastors is spiritually unhealthy. This environment can actively undermine the well-being and effectiveness of church leaders and the entire church body.
Tyler and Grady use scripture to define God’s view of human behaviors and contrasts it to humanistic psychology’s view which calls sin, “sickness.”
Depression impacts most people at some time in their lives. Lundy uses the writings of Puritan pastor Richard Baxter to comfort, strengthen and instruct those who are burdened by depression.
Instead of offering platitudes or unrealistic cure-all formulas, Welch acknowledges the complex nature of depression and applies the treasures of the gospel to give hope for this stubborn malady.
At times, there appears to be no way to turn when confronted by suffering, failure, sin, illness, loneliness or disappointment. Look to the psalmists who also asked that question.
Shaw’s stated purpose in this book is to “bring encouragement and hope to the friend, family member, spouse, and loved one of the addict.” He relies on a firm biblical foundation to bring hope and help.
MacArthur looks to the Bible to give the solutions and advice needed for those considering divorce, marriage, or remarriage.
This book encourages parents to teach their children the Gospel but also provides strong biblical and theological reasons to wait until they are older before following through with baptism.
Life is full of problems that can bring us down. Mack draws out biblical counsel for people suffering from worry, spiritual burnout, self-pity, discontentment, discouragement, perplexity, and hopelessness.
With this helpful resource, you will get basic training in biblical counseling techniques.
God’s word has much to say about modern problems, including eating disorders. This book helps point the way to real hope and practical help through Jesus Christ.
A well written and clear biblical exposition of why God is allowing anxiety in our lives, with practical wise steps we can take that can bring relief and ultimately give Him glory.
Have you ever asked yourself why you continue to sin as a believer? This modernization of John Owen's classic works "Indwelling Sin" and "Mortification of Sin" provides the answer. This easy read, based on the thoughts of one of the greatest Puritan theologians, is one of the most insightful and clarifying resources on how to fight sin.
This manual is designed to mobilize the priesthood of believers so that churches become places of biblical counseling. It provides ways for relating gospel truths to people’s lives.
Lambert lays out eight gospel-centered strategies for overcoming pornography’s lure. See how the gospel applies to this particular battle and how Jesus can move readers from a life of struggle to a life of purity.
How should Christians respond to a diagnosis of dementia in themselves or in a loved one? Dunlop provides a biblical lens through which we understand the experience and challenge of this life-changing disease.
Is it biblical to simply forgive and forget? Adams dispels misconceptions about forgiveness, reveals God’s true plan for absolution, and shows how to apply it to your own relationships.
Look at a combination of expositional commentary, outline, expository sermons, application questions, counseling scenarios, and an annotated bibliography – all from the book of Ruth.
David Powlison recognizes that there are no quick fixes or easy answers when it comes to suffering. He weaves scripture and personal stories to help us see that God is working, even in our particular struggles.
This book provides real, raw, honest, and hopeful conversations about suffering, loss, and grief from a Christian perspective.
"Good and Angry" offers help for people who struggle with irritation, complaining, or bitterness and gives guidance for how to respond constructively when life goes wrong.
Depression and bipolar disorder are commonly diagnosed in medicine today. "Good Mood, Bad Mood" examines whether we are in an epidemic or if we have changed how we label our sad moods.
Bob Kellemen believes the best way to learn counseling is by doing it. "Gospel Conversations" is the second volume in "The Equipping Biblical Counselors Series," a comprehensive relational training curriculum for the local church.
Check out this book, which provides an introductory guide to the theory and practice of Christ-centered biblical counseling.
Idols we might not even see can still have devastating effects on our lives. Bigney helps us identify our idols, understand how they cause us to commit treason against the gospel. Repent and root them out forever.
Building on the foundation of the written Word, it provides a gospel-centered resource for understanding people, diagnosing problems, and prescribing biblically-based solutions. (The first volume in "The Equipping Christian Counselors Series").
Loss came suddenly to Jerry Sittser. A car accident claimed his mother, his wife, and his young daughter. He walks through his own grief and loss to show that new life is possible.
Lewis’s book is considered a classic work on grief. It contains his honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life and death and faith in the midst of loss.
Richard Baxter lost his wife Margaret at the age of forty-five. He sought relief in Scripture and the discipline of writing. The result is this memoir.
This devotional suggests resources to help you apply gospel truth to your grief. Be honest with your grief and give voice to it and see how you can find comfort and bring comfort to others.
Change your way of thinking about marriage. This book helps the believer who is single person, engaged, or married.
God can heal. He possesses the power to do the miraculous. Mayhue tackles the tough questions around why God chooses to heal or not heal.
Guthrie guides readers through a series of questions about the pains of life: Why did He let this happen? Why hasn’t He answered my prayers for a miracle? Does God even care?
Greg Gifford makes the case from Scripture that both heart motivations and godly practice are critical for growth in Christ.
Mark Shaw uses Scripture to make the distinction between what the world terms a disease and what the Bible demonstrates is a life-dominating sin nature problem.
A quick reference guide for counselors, covering all aspects of counseling. Adams addresses procedures and common problems.
We can never plan for the events that lead to great personal suffering. She guides the reader through pain to God’s heart using the story of Job. (Includes an 8-week study of Job for those who want to dig deeper.)
Dr. Yuan explores the concept of holy sexuality--chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage--in a practical and relevant manner, equipping readers with a theology of sexuality.
Mack provides help for counselors needing specific assignments for counselees. This volume deals with personal and interpersonal struggles in over 30 categories such as anger, communication, dating, pride, sexual problems, and work
The second volume of Mack’s homework manuals is designed for counselors wanting to give specific assignments. Dr. Mack focuses on family and marital problems. He covers topics such as communication, developing common interests, child rearing, and family religion.
Boisvert and Mahaney provide here a handbook for the art of biblical sanctification. It is filled with tough truths and thought-provoking quotes that will challenge every honest and committed believer to evaluate their attitudes toward sin and the sanctification process.
D.A. Carson is regarded as one of the most respected evangelical scholars today. He brings a careful examination of key biblical passages to address the themes of suffering and evil.
This booklet gives an overview of the five basic mentalities of addictive-thinking. Use Scripture to prevent dangerous mindsets that can lead to addictive choices and behavior in children.
Lane and Tripp give an explanation for why it is hard for lasting change to take place in your life. They help the reader to see that God is at work to make you into the person he created you to be.
"How People Change" explains how biblical change happens in your life. This study guide is based on principles from the companion book. It may be used for church-wide training, small group or one-on-one discipleship.
Change is the goal of the biblical counseling process. This book answers two questions: “How does a counselor help people change?” and “How does scripture provide the source of a counselor’s method?”
How do we respond when people sin against us? Too often we succumb to selfishness, anger, resentment, even retaliation. Jay Adams shows a better way as described by the apostle Paul in Romans 12:14-21.
Wayne and Joshua Mack team up to provide scriptural definitions on pride and humility. They help readers diminish destructive pride and increase true humility in their lives.
Uncover the idol lies that we believe in this book. Let solutions found in Scripture direct you to the Savior.
Dr. Somerville explains that depression is not restricted to the secular world. Godly men and women throughout history have suffered in the deep darkness of depression, among them Martin Luther and Charles Spurgeon.
The only true and lasting hope, joy and peace following childhood sexual abuse is available by the grace of God and His word. Learn how to unpack this difficult topic as you help others, and yourself.
Gain insight into a counselees' problem and devise creative ways to apply the truths of Scripture to that problem.
"Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands" shows how God uses people in need of change to help other people in need of change. A facilitator guide with detailed lesson-by-lesson preparation instructions.
Paul David Tripp explains how God uses “all of my people, all of the time” in the sanctification of the believer. We are not to be consumers in the ministry of the body, but committed participants.
"Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands" shows how God uses people in need of change to help other people in need of change. This volume is a companion study guide for those who wish to make deeper applications.
This is a classic volume on sex and sexuality from a Christian perspective. This is a complete sex manual, with illustrations, basic concepts, and frank discussion of all aspects of human sexuality.
Written from the perspective of two mature Christian wives and Bible teachers "Intimate Issues" is biblical and informative.
At least one in three women have endured some form of abuse in their lifetime. "Is It My Fault?" provides hope through the transformational biblical message of grace and redemption.
Mack and Howard explore the intersection between God’s love and his justice. They offer biblical help to those who are tempted to complain about their lot in life. Readers learn to rest in God’s attributes of love, justice, omniscience, and omnipotence.
Living with a debilitating nerve condition, Furman shows us that God always designs trials for our good. God gives significance to our suffering – without minimizing the pain.
Wolterstorff shares an intensely personal series of vignettes about the death of his 25-year-old son, Eric. He explores all the facets of his experience of this unfathomable loss.
Essential to a leader and entire church, this book provides leaders and teachers a clear understanding of what the Bible teaches about love.
Steve Mawhorter talks about 35 real-life stories from his 20 years as a biblical counselor. He extracts principles from each story and then applies those principles to biblical counseling ministry.
Verdell Davis lost her husband in an airplane crash as he was returning from a retreat. She was no longer a pastor’s wife and no longer sure of what she believed. She shares how to examine grief and find healing in the process.
More than 80 percent of all Americans have been on some kind of diet. Fitzpatrick helps readers discover the power food has over their lives and then how to identify destructive eating habits, break the cycle of emotional eating and develop a flexible plan suited to unique situations.
This book offers hope for both the sexually immoral and the sexually victimized. Jesus Christ intervenes and provides grace for all who earnestly seek and obey Him.
Margin is the space that once existed between ourselves and our limits. Where has it gone?
Based on a biblical counseling model, learn basic training for marriage and family.
Jay Adams examines relevant passages so that his readers can consider the many issues and interpretations that arise in trying to establish a consistently biblical position on marriage, divorce and remarriage.
Look at the answers given in God's Word addressing crucial questions relating to the complexities of marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
Get hope and encouragement in the tough areas of depression, marriage, anger, parenting, sexual purity and much more. "Men Counseling Men" is a resource put together from the biblical counseling program at the Master's College.
Christians used to hate, fear, flee and grieve over their sin, but that awareness has changed over the past few decades. Sin still corrupts, and can lead us sin to addiction. Sharpen your awareness to the beauty of grace.
Learn how to live and die like we believe the gospel is true. 22 short meditations from reformed and contemporary theologians provide readers with a challenge and hope on this topic.
In today's society, where so much of daily life is instant, we can become spiritually frustrated, and even doubt our faith, when we find ourselves waiting on God.
God calls the lost to come to Him, especially the prodigals. Explained by a homosexual man and his mother, read about their journey and grasp their vision for holy sexuality and ministering to the homosexual community.
Depression is a scary word. If you’re experiencing depression, it’s scary for obvious reasons. If someone else says they’re experiencing depression it’s scary because we usually have no idea what to say or how to help. This book simplifies the massive topic of depression into three categories and in doing so, by using tons of Bible passages, strips away the cloud of mystery surrounding this topic and helps us understand it from God’s perspective. Depression is still hard, but this book will help you grow through it, not just go through it.
"Overcoming Bitterness" provides a proven, Scripture-based way to face the reality of bitter situations.
As you identify the source of fear, worry and anxiety, you'll discover specific strategies to overcome it. God gives us His strength and love as we cast our cares on Him.
Rely fully on God's Word to develop a structure to learn to cope with pain, illness and disappointment in the book "Pain."
Biblical counselor John Street takes a hard look at the passions that can be identified and resisted―and they can be forgiven. |
Help the pastor feel prepared to effectively shepherd their people through difficult circumstances such as depression, adultery, eating disorders, and suicidal thinking.
Elisabeth Elliot asks the hard questions to examine our hurts and teaches us about the sovereign nature of God, who perfectly cares for us.
Conflict is unavoidable and it can seem impossible to overcome it. "The Peacemaker" is full of biblical wisdom and usefull suggestions that can be applied to any relationship needing reconciliation.
Does it seem your perfectionism is getting in the way of your achievements? The high standards we set up for ourselves bring us down, not lift us up, and will never transform a heart.
Get biblical solutions to the prideful manifestations found in the addiction of approval from others.
In the life of faith, tribulations come our way as we have yet to enter the kingdom of God. We suffer for the faith and we suffer with faith. Gain biblical perspecitive, direction and hope from this book.
Andrew Davis challenges readers to confront the sources of discontent in their lives and embrace Paul's teaching on contentment in all circumstances.
A great resource for the Biblical counseling ministry, this reference provides practical direction and sound teaching in many subjects. (A great aid to the working counselor who needs a quick reference guide.)
Johnson examines the crucial issue before pastoral counselors--when the authority of Scripture was replaced with human experience and understanding.
Gain scriptural answers to guide the wounded hearts and souls of God's people. Psychology has infiltrated the church, and churches must look to the Bible as their sole counseling resource.
A great resource full of wisdom and practical techniques, this book on reconciliation will help you pursue peace and help others to do the same.
Dealing with your past does not mean suppressesing the brokenness or making the past more important than the present and future. Instead, use Scripture to replace guilt and despair with forgiveness and hope, turning failure into a stepping stone for growth.
Find sound scriptural guidance to resolve problems and guide others in their Christian faith.
A helpful resource that makes the power, encouragement, and hope of scripture accessible to pastors and counselors as they guide couples in their marriages.
Scripture passages for 120 topics that concern men. This helpful resource makes the power, encouragement, and hope of scripture accessible to pastors and counselors as they guide men.
Scripture passages for 90 topics that concern women. This helpful resource makes the power, encouragement, and hope of scripture accessible to pastors and counselors as they guide women.
A perfect book for parents and youth pastors wanting to provide scriptural guidance to youth regarding issues they face in their formative years.
"Ready to Restore" is neither simplistic, nor superficial, but a complete, systematic course. It provides essential elements of counseling useful for study groups, bible colleges, church leaders and individual study.
Memories from past sufferings can hang like a heavy burden around our necks. In a deep and compelling fashion, Matt has written about how God removes these heavy burdens from us through the work of Christ, then redeems those same memories back to their original purpose, to glorify and worship God. This topic has already made its way through Matt’s heart as he wrestled with his own memories of the past, and I highly recommend it as you wrestle with yours.
Cultivating death awareness brings the promises of Jesus into the everyday problems of our world.
This book is a practical, biblical, concise guide to peacemaking in everyday life, turning contentious relationships into peaceful ones.
This book explains some of the major blocks to healing and how to pray through them.
Although this book is primarily written for those who have been assaulted, it also equips family friends, pastors and others to care for victims.
"Running Scared" affirms that, through Scripture, God speaks directly to our fears. This is a biblical roadmap to a life of serenity and security.
John MacArthur offers truth from God’s word that puts the doubts of any grieving parent to rest.
This book blends theological wisdom with practical expertise to equip pastors, church leaders, counseling practitioners and students.
Look at psychological issues in light of biblical counseling. This book contains great exegesis of scripture with an emphasis on mental and spiritual health.
A thorough, in-depth discipleship training resource that teaches us how to study the scriptures for answers to life’s problems.
Through scriptures and practical examples, Dr. Ellen explores biblical approaches to self-esteem, self-image, and self-love, guiding readers to evaluate their own worldviews and lives in light of a Christian perspective and practice.
This honest and direct, yet kind and caring, book points us to the only place we can find help for sexual brokenness – the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.
Learn how sexual sin is cheating (wanting sex without intimacy) and drifting (we drift, rather than leap, into it).
A perfect book if you are feeling left out or marginalized because it will help you understand that all Christians are loved by God.
This book offers a practical viewpoint to those who haven’t closed their minds to a biblical perspective on “living together.”
Who knows more about the subject of marriage, you or the one who designed the whole concept of husband and wife?
This book will help counselors understand and deal with the typical problems that arise in a marriage.
The principals outlined in this pivotal work are specific to counseling, yet also extend the marriage; family, friendship, business and the Christian Church.
Once delivered as a sermon series to his church over 50 years ago, this book by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones is a compassionate and profound resource on the topic of depression--mild, severe or somewhere in between. Some authors write on this subject and refer to the Bible, yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones anchors himself in each chapter to a specific passage, expositing and applying it to this real struggle for many Christians. Even after I finished the book, I found myself continuing to meditate on the Scriptures he used, and when you walk away from a book doing that, mission accomplished.
A book explaining how to make biblically wise and God-honoring decisions.
This book will be a great help to anyone who loves, listens to, and wants to help someone impacted by trauma and abuse.
Find your greatest confidence in Christ, even in suffering. This book explores many attributes of God’s sovereignty.
Be prepared for the pain and grief that accompanies death.
We should not be surprised by suffering; instead, we should expect pain and sorrow in this life.
This book helps you to develop an understanding of the connection between biblical theology and biblical counseling.
A resource to use in training biblical counselors at colleges, seminaries and training institutes which demonstrates how theology intersects with the lives of actual counselees.
This book shows the connection between solid theology and the practical application of Christian counseling with Biblical emphasis.
Carder offers Biblical insight for the victims of adultery, the perpetrators, and those who seek to help hurting couples.
Mark Shaw uses Scripture to address the dangers of fentanyl use and its affect on our relationship with God.
These authors unpack the issues with same-sex orientation, temptation and desire. Get clarity on same-sex attraction and temptation in this controversial area.
After a loved one dies, it can be hard to think of living life normally again. "Traveling through Grief" focuses on the five common tasks of grief.
After a time of suffering, Jerry Bridges began a Bible study on the topic of God's sovereignty. The result was this book, which shows us how to trust Him more completely even when life hurts.
This discussion guide to "Trusting God" features discussion questions about what the Bible says about God’s sovereignty.
Different types of personalities and attitudes are taken into account as you counsel a person. Is the issue a personality or a sinful lifestyle?
"Unashamed" is an invitation to not only be healed of our own shame, but be part of the healing for others.
A book of expanded Bible studies to help you develop Godly eating habits. It's a lot more about discipline that it is about food.
What is a Christian worldview and where does it come from? Learn the answer from the Bible itself.
Move beyond the wounds and baggage of bitterness, disagreements and broken relationships, as we learn to forgive others as God forgave us.
Removing deep-rooted anger goes beyond efforts to be patient with others. Learn how to effect Godly change with this practical Christ-centered resource.
Mark Shaw uses Scripture to deal with addictive temptations and triggers. The solution to addiction is ongoing and not a one-time event.
A warm and sensitive book that explores what the Bible says about infertility, and how to help the church walk alongside the couple wanting children.
Why God allows pain and suffering is an age-old question--for believers and non-believers alike. There is a reason for it all, and it comes from understanding our relationship with God.
This book directs us to a renewed reliance on our heavenly father’s abundant grace to people doing their best to communicate well.
Do we take on the characteristics of what we worship? This book offers a Biblical understanding of idolatry and applies it to the challenges of contemporary life.
Cancer cannot corrode faith. Read uplifting Scripture and encouraging stories from cancer survivors.
A practical book that provides the insight we need to confidently interact with grieving people. Learn what to say and what not to say, and what to do and what to avoid.
Christians are rarely instructed about how to use the Scriptures in their decision making. They find the Scriptures useful for devotional uses, but not for decision making.
"When God Weeps" tackles tough questions about heaven and hell, and why God allows suffering.
Sound, compassionate and biblically accurate advice for when homosexuality becomes a part of your family.
A book of encouragement for Christians dealing with a family member involved in the homosexual lifestyle.
This book will help you find joy every day as you rediscover the soul-satisfying glory of God.
In dark times, we feel isolated, confused and alone. Everyone experiences suffering. These emotions are clearly expressed in the book of Psalms.
A great resource to help you uncover the spiritual dimension of people-pleasing. You will gain insight to the comparison of God, ourselves and others.
A great resource to help you uncover the spiritual dimension of people-pleasing. You will gain insight to the comparison of God, ourselves and others.
Gain insight into the physical side of depression and spiritual darkness, and what it means to wait on the Lord.
Learn how to move from bitterness to blessing by choosing forgiveness.
Explore the family dynamics involved when a loved one dies, and see how grief can actually pull a family closer together.
A book that guides women toward God and away from despair when a husband’s addiction to pornography leaves them feeling shattered, betrayed and alone.
Take a look at physical, emotional and spiritual pain, and find help to understand why we suffer.
Trustworthy, biblical answers for those who want to break away from pain and guilt.
"Why Does it Have to Hurt?" looks into scripture to help us understand the meaning of suffering and why we suffer.
Biblical guidance on how to balance medical intervention with Biblical encouragement.
A study that explores the connection between idolatrous lust and sinful behavior patterns.
This book sets forth biblical commands and principals that will help pastors, families and churches minister to our senior saints.
"You Can Change" is about heart change, not behavior change. The author seeks to help everyday Christians with their specific sin or struggle by studying truths from God's Word.