Are People Basically Good? (Crucial Questions)
Are People Basically Good? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

In this booklet, learn how we became morally corrupt and just how deep our corruption is


Can I Lose My Salvation? (Crucial Questions)
Can I Lose My Salvation? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at the Scriptures to see if a true Christian can ever fall away from the faith


Does God Control Everything? (Crucial Questions)
Does God Control Everything? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Learn about the Christian doctrine of providence, the teaching that God is the sovereign Ruler of the universe.


How Can I Be Blessed? (Crucial Questions)
How Can I Be Blessed? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Examine the Beatitudes to see how true blessedness is found only by knowing the grace of God in Jesus Christ.


How Can I Be Right with God? (Crucial Questions)
How Can I Be Right with God? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

R.C. Sproul explains that by faith alone in Christ alone, sinful men and women can be justified and stand forgiven before a holy God.


How Can I Develop a Christian Conscience? (Crucial Questions) 
How Can I Develop a Christian Conscience? (Crucial Questions) 
Sproul, R.C.

See how studying Scripture helps us, by God’s grace, to build a mature Christian conscience.


How Can I Live by Faith? (Crucial Questions)
How Can I Live by Faith? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

As we believe in God, see that His promises provide an unshakable foundation for our salvation, faithful living, and hope for the future.


How Does God's Law Apply to Me? (Crucial Questions)
How Does God's Law Apply to Me? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

As you examine the Ten Commandments, you can see that the law doesn’t merely expose our sin; it also reveals the character of a holy and gracious God and shows us how to live lives that are pleasing to Him.


How Should I Think about Money? (Volume 23) (Crucial Questions) 
How Should I Think about Money? (Volume 23) (Crucial Questions) 
Sproul, R.C.

Jesus taught more often on money than He did on love or on heaven and hell combined. Why? It’s because money is one of the chief competitors for our affections.


What Can We Know about God? (Crucial Questions)
What Can We Know about God? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

In order to know who God is, we must learn what He has revealed about Himself in the Bible.


What Do Jesus' Parables Mean? (Crucial Questions)
What Do Jesus' Parables Mean? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Read how parables worked to clarify Jesus’ message for some—and to conceal it from others.


What Is Baptism? (Crucial Questions)
What Is Baptism? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

R.C. Sproul introduces us to the sacrament of baptism and explains why well-meaning Christians come to different conclusions about it.


What Is Predestination? (Crucial Questions)
What Is Predestination? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

If God decides who will believe in Jesus, doesn’t that destroy free will? Get the answer to this question from the Bible as outlined in this booklet.


What Is Repentance? (Crucial Questions)
What Is Repentance? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Learn how true repentance is not simply a religious ritual or the resolve to do better next time. It’s a spiritual conversion in which we turn from our sin and to God in faith.


What Is the Church? (Crucial Questions)
What Is the Church? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

When the word church is mentioned, many people think of a building. Others think of a denomination. It's actually so much more.


What Is the Gospel? (Crucial Questions)
What Is the Gospel? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Learn about the gospel, God’s good news for sinful people like us.


What Is the Great Commission? (Crucial Questions)
What Is the Great Commission? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Dr. R.C. Sproul explores the Great Commission by defining key terms such as the gospel, evangelism, missions, and discipleship.


What Is the Lord's Supper? (Crucial Questions)
What Is the Lord's Supper? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

Learn the origin of what we now call the Lord’s Supper and the meaning behind the bread and wine


What Is the Relationship between Church and State? (Crucial Questions)
What Is the Relationship between Church and State? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

God ordained the state to protect life and promote justice. Christians must respect and honor their earthly authorities but at the same time remember that God is the highest authority of all.


Who Is the Holy Spirit? (Crucial Questions)
Who Is the Holy Spirit? (Crucial Questions)
Sproul, R.C.

R.C. Sproul explains who the Holy Spirit is, and examines His work in this world, from giving new life to unbelievers to sanctifying and empowering God’s people.


Why Should I Join a Church? (Crucial Questions) 
Why Should I Join a Church? (Crucial Questions) 
Sproul, R.C.

Dr.Sproul explains that the church is not merely a building. We need one another to live and worship well.
