Look at this Christian view of anxiety. Like any other negative emotion, it is a twisted version of something positive from God.
This manual is designed to mobilize the priesthood of believers so that churches become places of biblical counseling. It provides ways for relating gospel truths to people’s lives.
This book provides real, raw, honest, and hopeful conversations about suffering, loss, and grief from a Christian perspective.
Bob Kellemen believes the best way to learn counseling is by doing it. "Gospel Conversations" is the second volume in "The Equipping Biblical Counselors Series," a comprehensive relational training curriculum for the local church.
Building on the foundation of the written Word, it provides a gospel-centered resource for understanding people, diagnosing problems, and prescribing biblically-based solutions. (The first volume in "The Equipping Christian Counselors Series").
Bob Kellemen uses God's Word to explain the damage done by sexual abuse. Start the journey of healing by looking at your situation in light of the story of Amnon and Tamar in the Bible.