A companion volume to "Competent to Counsel, The Christian Counselor's Manual" applies the principles of nouthetic counseling to a wide variety of situations. It is an outstanding reference book for Biblical counselors.
All relationships are edified with scripture. Gain practical, biblical advice on Christ-centered family living.
Adams details how Bible-based discussion allows the Holy Spirit to bring about change in the counselee’s heart, personality, and behavior.
Is it biblical to simply forgive and forget? Adams dispels misconceptions about forgiveness, reveals God’s true plan for absolution, and shows how to apply it to your own relationships.
Using 1 Timothy 4:7, "you must discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness," learn how godly living is possible.
Take a look at Matthew 18 to learn how to handle relational issues that can harm the church if not dealt with in a Biblical manner.
A quick reference guide for counselors, covering all aspects of counseling. Adams addresses procedures and common problems.
Jay Adams writes "While God has not yet removed trouble from the Christian or the Christian from trouble, he has, by the Word and His Spirit, given believers all that is necessary to handle trouble successfully."
Change is the goal of the biblical counseling process. This book answers two questions: “How does a counselor help people change?” and “How does scripture provide the source of a counselor’s method?”
Jay Adams examines relevant passages so that his readers can consider the many issues and interpretations that arise in trying to establish a consistently biblical position on marriage, divorce and remarriage.
"Ready to Restore" is neither simplistic, nor superficial, but a complete, systematic course. It provides essential elements of counseling useful for study groups, bible colleges, church leaders and individual study.
This book will help counselors understand and deal with the typical problems that arise in a marriage.
This book shows the connection between solid theology and the practical application of Christian counseling with Biblical emphasis.
Understand addictions from a Biblical point of view. Admitting you have a problem really is the first step.